Aims: To assess the availability and completeness of existing hospital records, required for a proposed case-control study of vitamin K administration to neonates and childhood cancer.
Methods: We surveyed 44 hospitals, to see whether they had kept records for children born during 1962-87. Additionally, we sought the neonatal records of 44 Dunedin-born people who would be in the proposed study if it went ahead.
The Candida albicans clone cDNA10 was isolated on the basis that it encodes a protein which is immunogenic during infections in humans (R. K. Swoboda, G.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBr J Cancer Suppl
September 1994
Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a disease which frustrates both clinician and scientist. Its aetiology is unknown, its pathogenesis is ill understood and the clinical course is unpredictable. Historically, the different nomenclatures reflecting the first clinical descriptions by Hand (1893, 1921), Schuller (1915) and Christian (1920), and subsequently by Letterer (1924) and Siwe (1933), led to confusion only partially resolved by Lichtenstein (1953) who recognised that the disease in each of these clinical syndromes were components of a spectrum of disease involving the histiocyte.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Histiocytoses are a group of rare and puzzling multisystem disorders, currently regarded as non-malignant but often treated with 'cancer chemotherapy'. In this article, the origins of histiocytes and of the Histiocyte Society's classification of the Histiocytoses are described with suggested minor modifications to the classification. The current nomenclature for the 2 principal diseases, now named 'Langerhans cell histiocytosis' and 'Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis', is less confusing than the terms originally chosen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAims: To assess the impact, mortality, morbidity and economic costs, of respiratory distress syndrome severe enough to warrant ventilation in one year in New Zealand.
Methods: Review of data from all five New Zealand regional neonatal intensive care units' participation in the international OSIRIS trial of exogenous surfactant (Exosurf) treatment for respiratory distress syndrome (involving 6700 infants in 21 countries), and extrapolation of these data to a full year.
Results: There were 265 New Zealand infants entered in the OSIRIS trial; the mean birthweight was 1335 g and mean gestation 29 weeks; 61% of infants were less than 30 weeks gestation.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
June 1994
A computerized database of 14 textual elements has been created to describe the 4309 subjects enrolled in the Broadbent-Bolton Growth Study. The database can be searched by using Boolean operators to select subsets of subjects matched on the 14 data elements. The structure of the database, along with representative tables and charts of the data, is presented to aid researchers contemplating use of the collection for scientific investigation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMaternal and fetal serum concentrations of cefuroxime were determined at birth in 39 women who were given a single intravenous dose of either 750 mg or 1500 mg of cefuroxime before delivery. Mean serum cefuroxime concentrations in maternal venous and umbilical venous blood were dose dependent, being significantly higher after 1500 mg of cefuroxime (55.0 mg/l, 95% CI 33.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnimals' tendency to search periodically in temporally random environments was studied by presenting rats with random-interval (RI) 60-s and 120-s schedules. Power spectra revealed a periodicity of responding of 20-50 s for all animals regardless of condition. A second periodicity of 5-10-s was strongest under the RI 60-s schedule.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol
February 1994
Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) exists as a large number of distinct strains differing in biological properties and with different distributions in citrus producing countries. Strategies such as eradication or cross protection, aimed at controlling severe variants of the pathogen, require procedures to identify virus strains accurately and reliably. To fill the need for a rapid, reproducible assay, we have investigated the use of restriction analysis of the CTV coat protein gene amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 15 year old boy being treated for relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia developed severe diarrhoea and abdominal pain which worsened despite empirical antibiotic treatment. A right hemicolectomy was performed. The caecum and ascending colon showed changes typical of neutropenic enterocolitis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAluminium (Al ) is abundant in our environment and is a contaminant of electrolyte solutions used in the manufacture of Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) solutions administered to neonates, who are unable to tolerate oral feeding. Previous studies by McHalsky et al. (1) have shown concern over the levels of aluminium in parenteral products, and there are special considerations needed with regard to neonatal TPN solutions, (2).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a short term prospective study 70 male lead workers performed a series of cognitive tasks on three occasions during an eight month period. Concurrently with the cognitive testing, the concentrations of blood lead, zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) and urinary aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) were measured. Indicators of lead absorption were stable during the study and each subject was allocated to either a low (below 20 micrograms/dl), medium (21-40 micrograms/dl), or high (41-80 micrograms/dl) group on the basis of their average blood lead concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBr J Clin Psychol
September 1991
Recent accounts of depression propose a central role for increased self-focus in the onset and maintenance of depression. The present study investigated whether there might also be a converse effect of depressed mood increasing self-focus. A state measure of self-focused attention was administered to normal subjects before and after induction of depressed or happy mood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn
September 1991
Two experiments examined the claim for distinct implicit and explicit learning modes in the artificial grammar-learning task (Reber, 1967, 1989). Subjects initially attempted to memorize strings of letters generated by a finite-state grammar and then classified new grammatical and nongrammatical strings. Experiment 1 showed that subjects' assessment of isolated parts of strings was sufficient to account for their classification performance but that the rules elicited in free report were not sufficient.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn 16 children with multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis (mean age 22 months, range 5 to 36 months) severe symptomatic skin involvement was treated with topical nitrogen mustard (mechlorethamine hydrochloride). In each case, rapid clinical improvement occurred within 10 days; subsequent complete healing was observed in 14 children, and partial healing in 2 others in whom treatment was a component of palliative care. Mean duration of treatment was 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFifty-one children, aged from 15 months to 13 years 5 months with metastatic neuroblastoma presenting sequentially at the participating institutions received four 3 to 4 weekly courses of high dose multiagent chemotherapy. High dose cisplatin (200 mg m-2) combined with etoposide (500 mg m-2), HIPE, was alternated with ifosfamide (9 g m-2), vincristine (1.5 mg m-2), and adriamycin (60 mg m-1), IVAd.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBetween February 1986 and July 1988 a total of 21 children aged 1 to 16 years with malignant germ cell tumours (MGCT), 18 with either metastatic disease or unresectable primary tumour, received the JEB regimen - carboplatin dosage calculated from the EDTA glomerular filtration rate (approximately 600 mg m-2), etoposide 120 mg m-2 daily x 3, and bleomycin 15 mg m-2 weekly. Primary sites were: testis (6), ovary (8), sacrococcyx (4), pineal gland (2) and vagina (1). AFP levels were elevated in 19, beta-HCG in 8.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is known that people reacting to visual words may be affected by the meaning of accompanying non-target words. On the approach to perception developed by Treisman (e.g.
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