Publications by authors named "J U Mataika"

Annual single-dose treatments with diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) at a dose of 6 mg/kg have been reported effective in reducing microfilariae (mf) rate and density and applicable to large-scale filariasis control campaigns. However, the efficacy of such treatments has not been studied quantitatively in relation to different pretreatment levels of endemicity. This study of 32 villages in Fiji revealed that five treatments repeated annually steadily reduced village mf rate, and that the degree of reduction was not influenced by pretreatment levels of mf density or rate.

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It has long been stressed that diethylcarbamazine citrate must be given at a total dosage of 72 mg per kilogram of body weight in 12 divided doses of 6 mg kg(-1) to obtain maximum effect against Wuchereria bancrofti. However, recent studies revealed that only a single dose at 6 mg kg(-1) could reduce microfilaria (Mf) counts by 90%, and that the effect would persist for 12-18 months. The annual repeat of the single-dose mass treatment was shown to be effective in reducing Mf prevalence and density in large-scale, long-term field trials.

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A dengue type 1 epidemic occurred in Fiji between July 1989 and July 1990. Virus isolation in C6/36 cell cultures and Toxorhynchites mosquitos yielded 36 strains. Of the 3686 cases recorded by the Ministry of Health, 60% involved indigenous Fijians and 37%, Indians.

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A total of 332 persons from three localities in the Fiji Islands have been tested for genetic variation in 24 red cell enzyme systems and 4 serum protein systems. Polymorphic variation was present at 7 red cell enzyme loci and 1 serum protein locus. The remaining systems were invariant except for a single individual with a slow variant at the GOT1 locus and another individual with a D variant at the TF locus.

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