Publications by authors named "J THIERRY-MIEG"

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized genomic research by enabling high-throughput, cost-effective genome and transcriptome sequencing accelerating personalized medicine for complex diseases, including cancer. Whole genome/transcriptome sequencing (WGS/WTS) provides comprehensive insights, while targeted sequencing is more cost-effective and sensitive. In comparison to short-read sequencing, which still dominates the field due to high speed and cost-effectiveness, long-read sequencing can overcome alignment limitations and better discriminate similar sequences from alternative transcripts or repetitive regions.

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Taken as a classification paradigm completing the standard model, a new compact form of the SU(2/1) supergroup explains many mysterious properties of the weak interactions: the maximal breaking of parity, the fractional charges of the quarks, the cancellation of the quantum field theory anomalies, and ties together the existence of the right neutrinos and of the heavier Fermions. This compact supergroup is constructed by exponentiating the matrices representing the leptons and the quarks which form a semi-direct sum of Kac modules of the real superalgebra su(2/1,R) such that the overall trace of the $U(1)$ weak-hypercharge $Y$ vanishes. Remarkably, all the elements of this supergroup have Berezinian 1 and determinant 1.

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The advent of civilian spaceflight challenges scientists to precisely describe the effects of spaceflight on human physiology, particularly at the molecular and cellular level. Newer, nanopore-based sequencing technologies can quantitatively map changes in chemical structure and expression at single molecule resolution across entire isoforms. We perform long-read, direct RNA nanopore sequencing, as well as Ultima high-coverage RNA-sequencing, of whole blood sampled longitudinally from four SpaceX Inspiration4 astronauts at seven timepoints, spanning pre-flight, day of return, and post-flight recovery.

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Certified RNA reference materials are indispensable for assessing the reliability of RNA sequencing to detect intrinsically small biological differences in clinical settings, such as molecular subtyping of diseases. As part of the Quartet Project for quality control and data integration of multi-omics profiling, we established four RNA reference materials derived from immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines from four members of a monozygotic twin family. Additionally, we constructed ratio-based transcriptome-wide reference datasets between two samples, providing cross-platform and cross-laboratory 'ground truth'.

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