Publications by authors named "J S Haskill"

Monocyte extravasation initiates reorganization of the cytoskeleton (CSK) and adhesion-dependent cytokine gene transcription. The actin CSK is thought to be crucial for compartmentalization and translation of mRNA, many of which contain AU-rich (ARE) instability motifs in the 3' untranslated region. We investigated regulation of adhesion-induced IL-1 beta expression by the monocyte CSK.

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Differences in IL-1beta mRNA expression, stability and translation between non-adherent monocytes and those stimulated by adherence suggest that cytokine regulation is coupled to the function and assembly of cytoskeletal structures. In situ hybridization studies were performed to visualize expression and positioning of IL-1beta mRNA in adherently cultivated monocytes. IL-1beta mRNA expression was heterogeneous with high transcript levels found in spread or polarized cells.

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To measure the increase in uptake of BCT in NSW and its determinants, we examined Cancer Registry records of 2020 women with breast cancer in 1992 and 2883 in 1995 linked to records of their surgical treatment in the NSW Inpatient Statistics' Collection. In parallel, we examined trends and determinants in axillary surgery for breast cancer. Breast conservation increased from 39% of breast cancer in 1992 to 45% in 1995, mainly in women with the smallest cancers.

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Freshly isolated peripheral blood monocytes lack focal adhesion kinase (p125(FAK)) but activate a second member of this kinase family, calcium-dependent tyrosine kinase (CADTK; also known as Pyk2/CAKbeta/RAFTK/FAK2), upon adhesion or stimulation with chemokines. To study the role of CADTK in monocyte adherence and motility, we performed immunocytochemical localization that showed CADTK at the leading edge and ruffling lamellipodial structures in freshly isolated, adhered human monocytes. We next introduced CADTK/CAKbeta-related non-kinase (CRNK), the C-terminal noncatalytic domain of CADTK, into monocytes by electroporation and showed that it inhibited CADTK autophosphorylation.

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Paclitaxel is a frontline therapy for ovarian cancer. Our laboratory has shown that paclitaxel induces IL-8, a member of the C-X-C family of chemokines, in subsets of human ovarian cancer cells. However, the critical issue concerns the biological significance of this chemokine in human ovarian cancer.

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