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September 2019
Background: During pregnancy the maternal immune system adjusts to preserve the foetoplacental unit. These adjustments lead to an increase in CRP, continuing into the postpartum. The objective of this study was to determineantepartal, peripartal and postpartal factors associated with an elevated CRP on the second postpartum day.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDetection of genetic aberrations in prenatal samples, obtained through amniocentesis or chorion villus biopsy, is increasingly performed using chromosomal microarray (CMA), a technique that can uncover both aneuploidies and copy number variants throughout the genome. Despite the obvious benefits of CMA, the decision on implementing the technology is complicated by ethical issues concerning variant interpretation and reporting. In Belgium, uniform guidelines were composed and a shared database for prenatal CMA findings was established.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: With the replacement of karyotyping by chromosomal microarray (CMA) in invasive prenatal diagnosis, new challenges have arisen. By building a national database, we standardize the classification and reporting of prenatally detected copy number variants (CNVs) across Belgian genetic centers. This database, which will link genetic and ultrasound findings with postnatal development, forms a unique resource to investigate the pathogenicity of variants of uncertain significance and to refine the phenotypic spectrum of pathogenic and susceptibility CNVs.
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December 2017
Background: The goal of this review is to evaluate the value of ultrasound for detection of retained products of conception (RCOP) after delivery.
Methods: A systematic search was performed using 'postpartum', 'retained placenta', 'retained products' and 'ultrasound' resulting 82 publications, after screening titles and abstracts, 30 remained.
Results: On gray scale ultrasound, one must be focus on a thickened endometrial echo complex (EEC) with a cut off value of 10 mm and on an intracavitary mass.