Publications by authors named "J M Prager"

Background: Current assessment techniques for determining whether a patient has normal interarytenoid anatomy, a deep interarytenoid notch, or a minor laryngeal cleft are highly variable. However, differentiating between these three entities is important, given it may distinguish whether a patient should be considered for surgical intervention. The Interarytenoid Assessment Protocol (IAAP) was developed to provide standardization of interarytenoid anatomy evaluations.

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Objective: To characterize cystometry in conscious and anesthetized sheep, including bladder response to sacral root electrical stimulation, thereby providing a baseline set of values.

Methods: Single-fill cystometries were repeated in adult mule ewes both conscious (n = 5) and under general anesthesia (18) using a commercial system. Parameters including bladder capacity, detrusor (bladder) pressure, urethral opening pressure, bladder compliance, number of nonvoiding detrusor contractions, and bladder pressure change in response to electrical stimulation of the sacral roots under general anesthesia are reported.

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This article presents a method to use the dispersive behavior of ultrasonic guided waves and neural networks to determine the isotropic elastic constants of plate-like structures through dispersion images. Therefore, two different architectures are compared: one using convolutions and transfer learning based on the EfficientNetB7 and a Vision Transformer-like approach. To accomplish this, simulated and measured dispersion images are generated, where the first is applied to design, train, and validate and the second to test the neural networks.

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Objectives: In the pediatric population, nasal septal perforations (NSP) are rare, and management is not well described. The use of various techniques has been reported in adults, including the use of interposition grafts, however this technique has not been described in the pediatric population. Our hypothesis is that the closure rate using absorbable d-lactide and l-lactide (each 50 %), polymer (PDLLA) plates as interposition grafts with temporalis fascia for NSP repair in the pediatric population will be an effective method compared to previous techniques.

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Objective: To define the essential elements of the intake questionnaire that will be a part of a larger multicenter registry for aerodigestive patients.

Methods: A modified Delphi method was utilized to obtain consensus on the data elements that should warrant inclusion in the final research database. Patient questionnaires from the eight participating institutions were reviewed and individual elements were aggregated into 14 categories.

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