Publications by authors named "J M Lasierra"

We have carried out an experimental investigation of lesions of the intervertebral disc produced by flexion, lateral bending and rotational forces in an attempt to produce disc herniations. Adult Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: control and posterior, lateral and rotational herniation. There were 10 rats in each group.

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The effects of aerobic and anaerobic physical conditioning on fibrinolysis were studied before and immediately after physical exercise. Moderately active controls (group A) were compared with aerobically- (group B) or anaerobically-conditioned (group C) subjects. Comparison of the resting parameters revealed that FgDP were significantly higher in group B as a compared to groups A and C.

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In this study the influence of low-dose oral contraceptives (OC) on the different components of the fibrinolytic system before and immediately after maximal exercise was examined in a group of 18 moderately active women. Nine women using OC and nine control women performed a maximal effort treadmill protocol. Comparison of the resting parameters revealed higher plasma FbDP, plasminogen, alpha 2-antiplasmin and protein C concentrations, and lower PAI activity in the OC group.

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Type IIA von Willebrand disease (vWD) is a heterogeneous disorder for which two different pathogenetic mechanisms have been proposed: increased proteolytic susceptibility of von Willebrand factor (vWF), and/or interference of its post-translational processing. Subunit analysis of vWF in type-IIA vWD has revealed an increased relative proportion of the 176- and 140-kDa subunit-derived fragments, suggesting an augmented fragmentation of vWF, even in the resting state. We analyzed the subunit pattern of vWF in plasma from five previously described patients with type-IIA vWD.

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The contribution of hemodynamic changes to the pathogenesis of accelerated fibrinolysis in liver disease was investigated in rats. In animals with hepatic lesions induced by a 7-week inhalation of carbon tetrachloride there was a significant increase in blood t-PA activity and PAI activity, with no significant change in portal pressure. Following a 10-min portal vein occlusion there was a marked increase in portal pressure and t-PA activity and a significant decrease in PAI activity.

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