Publications by authors named "J Loesche"

Superficial thrombophlebitis, also known as superficial venous thrombosis, is an inflammatory condition involving the veins just below the surface of the skin secondary to clotted blood within that vein. The majority of cases are self-limited or resolve with a short course of anti-inflammatory medications and the application of warm compresses. Due to the self-limited nature of this disease process, clinically significant complications have rarely been described but are being seen more often in recent literature.

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Ruminal fiber digestion is often decreased by supplementation of readily fermentable carbohydrates. Five ruminally cannulated beef steers were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square design to evaluate the effects of grain type (corn vs barley) and ruminal buffer (Na sesquicarbonate; 0 vs 1.2% of dietary DM) on ruminal digestion and fermentation in wheat straw-based diets.

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Two corn hybrids (Pioneer 3377 and 3389) with similar total plant and grain yield characteristics were evaluated to determine potential differences in nutritive value of the whole plant and stover. Hybrids were grown in plots at four different locations in Idaho in 1988 and 1989 for laboratory evaluation. Samples from the plots were stored fresh or ensiled with or without a microbial inoculant for 60 d in laboratory silos.

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Three experiments were conducted to determine the relative feeding value of frost-damaged soybeans (FDS) for ruminants. Frost-damaged soybean ether-extract content was variable and differed (P less than .05) from mature soybeans.

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The time course of the post-lesion proliferation of contralateral entorhinal afferents which occurs in response to ipsilateral entorhinal lesions was quanititatively analyzed with autoradiographic techniques. The extent of the crossed projection to the dentate granule cells was quantified on the basis of a contralateral/ipsilateral (C/I) ratio of grain density in the entorhinal terminal zones at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and over 60 days post-lesion. C/I ratios of grain density indicate little if any change in the crossed projection at 6 days post-lesion.

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