Publications by authors named "J Glosik"

The rate coefficients for the ternary association reaction of vibrationally cold N ions with N and He were measured in an afterglow plasma in the temperature range of 140-250 K: = (1.02 ± 0.39)(300/) × 10 cm s.

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Recombination of vibrationally cold N2+ ions with electrons was studied in the temperature range of 140-250 K. A cryogenic stationary afterglow apparatus equipped with cavity ring-down spectrometer and microwave diagnostics was utilized to probe in situ the time evolutions of number densities of particular rotational and vibrational states of N2+ ions and of electrons. The obtained value of the recombination rate coefficient for the recombination of the vibrational ground state of N2+ with electrons is αv=0 = (2.

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The reactions of the O ions in the S electronic ground state with D and HD were studied in a cryogenic 22-pole radio-frequency ion trap in the temperature range of 15 K-300 K. The obtained reaction rate coefficients for both reactions are, considering the experimental errors, nearly independent of temperature and close to the values of the corresponding Langevin collisional reaction rate coefficients. The obtained branching ratios for the production of OH and OD in the reaction of O(S) with HD do not change significantly with temperature and are consistent with the results obtained at higher collisional energies by other groups.

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Recombination of NH ions with electrons was studied using a stationary afterglow with a cavity ring-down spectrometer. We probed in situ the time evolutions of number densities of different rotational and vibrational states of recombining NH ions and determined the thermal recombination rate coefficients for NH in the temperature range of 80-350 K. The newly calculated vibrational transition moments of NH are used to explain the different values of recombination rate coefficients obtained in some of the previous studies.

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We present studies on the thermalisation of H3+ ions in a cold He/Ar/H2 plasma at temperatures 30-70 K. We show that we are able to generate a rotationally thermalised H3+ ensemble with a population of rotational and nuclear spin states corresponding to a particular ion translational temperature. By varying the para-H2 fraction used in the experiment we are able to produce para-H3+ ions with fractional populations higher than those corresponding to thermodynamic values.

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