Publications by authors named "J Donders"

Introduction: Resilience reflects the capacity of persons to continue to function in a positive way in the context of adverse conditions. Prior research has suggested that resilience may affect emotional adjustment and quality of life after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The purpose of this investigation was to determine to what extent self-rated resilience influences cognitive test performance after TBI.

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This study sought to determine the influence of various demographic variables on pass/failure on a pediatric performance validity test, the Memory Validity Profile (MVP) in a mixed clinical sample ( = 393; 62% male, 62% White, median age 11 years). Children who failed the MVP ( = 72, 18%) according to a uniform cutoff of ≤30/32 correct were younger and were more likely to have a special education history than those who passed it ( = 321, 82%). There were no statistically significant group differences on other variables such as sex, race, parental education, history of treatment for ADHD or other psychiatric disorder.

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Objective: This study examined the validity of a visual inspection time (IT) task as a measure of processing speed (PS) in a sample of children with and without cerebral palsy (CP). IT tasks measure visualization speed without focusing on the motor response time to indicate decision making about the properties of those stimuli.

Methods: Participants were 113 children ages 8-16, including 45 with congenital CP, and 68 typically developing peers.

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This study aimed to determine some of the factors that influence performance on a comprehensive test of verbal and visual memory in children, the Child and Adolescent Memory Profile (ChAMP) in a mixed clinical sample ( = 178; 56% male, 67% White, median age 12 years). We used hierarchical linear regression analyses with ChAMP standard scores as the dependent variable, and parental education as well as Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC-V) factor index scores as the independent variables. WISC-V Processing Speed and (to a lesser extent) Working Memory were statistically significant predictors of most ChAMP Index scores.

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Objective: The purpose of this retrospective archival study was to explore the clinical utility of the Judgment subtest of the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) in older adults who were referred because of cognitive concerns. Specifically, we were interested in how NAB Judgment covaried with other measures of executive functioning.

Method: 226 adults, aged 61-89 years (48% dementia, 35% mild cognitive impairment, 18% cognitively intact) completed NAB Judgment.

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