Publications by authors named "J Cripe"

Quantum mechanics places noise limits and sensitivity restrictions on physical measurements. The balance between unwanted backaction and the precision of optical measurements imposes a standard quantum limit (SQL) on interferometric systems. In order to realize a sensitivity below the SQL, it is necessary to leverage a backaction evading measurement technique, reduce thermal noise to below the level of backaction, and exploit cancellations of any excess noise contributions at the detector.

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In 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state partners investigated a multistate sample-initiated retrospective outbreak investigation (SIROI) consisting of a cluster of nine Salmonella Weltevreden illnesses associated with frozen, precooked shrimp imported from India.

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In July 2021, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) laboratory identified a cluster of five Salmonella enterica serotype Thompson isolates related to one another within one allele difference, using whole genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST). These five isolates, submitted to the public health laboratory as is routine process for confirmatory testing of Salmonella, were highly related to those identified in a 2020 multistate investigation, during which traceback was conducted for sushi-grade tuna and salmon; a common supplier was not identified. The 2021 investigation commenced on August 5, 2021, with five patients living in Colorado, and one each in Missouri, Washington, and Wisconsin.

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Metrology experiments can be limited by the noise produced by the laser involved via small fluctuations in the laser's power or frequency. Typically, active power stabilization schemes consisting of an in-loop sensor and a feedback control loop are employed. Those schemes are fundamentally limited by shot noise coupling at the in-loop sensor.

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