Publications by authors named "J Boire"

Development of respiratory tissue constructs is challenging due to the complex structure of native respiratory tissue and the unique biomechanical conditions induced by breathing. While studies have shown that the inclusion of biomechanical stimulus mimicking physiological conditions greatly benefits the development of engineered tissues, to our knowledge no studies investigating the influence of biomechanical stimulus on the development of respiratory tissue models produced through three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting have been reported. This paper presents a study on the utilization of a novel breath-mimicking ventilated incubator to impart biomechanical stimulus during the culture of 3D respiratory bioprinted constructs.

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Laminitis is an extremely painful and debilitating condition of horses that can affect their athletic ability and even quality of life. The current gold standard for assessment of laminar tissue is histology, which is the only modality that enables detailed visualization of the lamina. Histology requires dissection of the hoof and therefore can only represent one specific time point.

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Synthetic DNA containing CpG motifs (CpG-ODN) are potent innate immune stimulators in neonatal and adult broiler chickens against bacterial septicemia. We have recently demonstrated that intrapulmonary (IPL) delivery of CpG-ODN as microdroplets under laboratory conditions can protect neonatal chickens against lethal Escherichia coli septicemia. The objectives of this study were to develop a commercial-scale poultry nebulizer (CSPN) that can deliver CpG-ODN as microdroplets in neonatal broiler chicks in the hatcheries and study the efficacy of CSPN in inducing immune-protective effects under different environmental conditions in 2 geographical locations in Canada.

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In cluster detection of disease, the use of local cluster detection tests (CDTs) is current. These methods aim both at locating likely clusters and testing for their statistical significance. New or improved CDTs are regularly proposed to epidemiologists and must be subjected to performance assessment.

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Record linkage is the task of identifying which records from one or more data sources refer to the same entity. Many record linkage methods were introduced and applied over the last decades. In general, the principle is to compare a range of available identifier fields in record pairs among different data sources, in order to make a linkage decision.

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