Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we study the evolution of the number of carriers in Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))(2)As(2) as a function of Co content and temperature. We show that there is a k-dependent energy shift compared to density functional calculations, which is large below 100 K at low Co contents and reduces the volume of hole and electron pockets by a factor 2. This k shift becomes negligible at high Co content and could be due to interband charge or spin fluctuations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF77Se and 87Rb nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on Rb0.74Fe1.6Se2 reveal clearly distinct spectra originating from a majority antiferromagnetic (AF) and a minority metallic-superconducting (SC) phase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report preparation, x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility χ(T) and heat capacity C(p)(T) measurements on undoped samples as well as samples with Zn-doped (S = 0) at the Cu site BiCu(2(1-x))Zn(2x)PO(6), Ni-doped (S = 1) at the Cu site BiCu(2(1-y))Ni(2y)PO(6), and Ca doped (holes) at the Bi site Bi(1-z)Ca(z)Cu(2)PO(6) in the coupled two-leg spin ladder system BiCu(2)PO(6). While, Zn shows complete solid solubility, Ni could be doped to about 20% and Ca to about 15%. Magnetization and heat capacity data in the undoped compound point towards the existence of frustration effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have studied the effect of nonmagnetic Zn impurities in the coupled spin ladder Bi(Cu_{1-x}Zn_{x})_{2}PO_{6} using ;{31}P NMR, muon spin resonance (microSR), and quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our results show that the impurities induce in their vicinity antiferromagnetic polarizations, extending over a few unit cells. At low temperature, these extended moments freeze in a process which is found universal among various other spin-gapped compounds: isolated ladders, Haldane, or spin-Peierls chains.
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