Publications by authors named "J Arendarcik"

The function of proteins, peptides, proteases and inhibitors of proteases in modulations of regulation mechanisms of gonadotrophins during the development of ovarian folicles has not been fully explained up to now. We can see difference reactions of ewes to superovulation stimulations in oestrous and anoestrous periods as shown by the variation of the antiproteolytic activity of blood plasma and cervical mucus. Trypsin is used as a model for serine protease, and trypsin inhibitory activity (TIA) was measured from the reduced rate of trypsin hydrolysis of the chromogenic substrate N-alpha-tosyl-L-arginine-4-nitroanilide (TAPA, Bartík et al.

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The antiproteolytic activities of the blood plasma (BP) and cervical mucus (CM) determined as trypsin inhibiting activities (TIA) where trypsin served as a model serine protease, were variable after superovulatory stimulations of ewes and after their gamma irradiation (2.45 Gy). TIA's were determined from the reduction in the bovine trypsin hydrolysis of the low-molecular chromogenic substrate N-alpha-tosyl-L-arginyl-p-nitro anilide (TAPA) (Bartík et al.

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Serine proteases help to regulate the ovarian cycle at different levels and they are subjected to the control of gonadotropic hormones and protease inhibitors. Superovulation stimulations influence the activities of trypsin inhibitors (model serine protease) in blood plasma (BP) and in follicular fluid (FF), and also in dependence on the breed. Trypsin inhibiting activities were determined from the reduced rate of trypsin hydrolysis of a chromogenic substrate (TAPA) and they were determined in percent.

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The synthesis and secretion of trypsin (trypsin model serine protease) inhibitors are regulated in ovarian follicles by gonadotropins. The superovulation stimulations with 400 IU FSH, 1000 IU PMSG, 1000 IU HCG, 750 IIU PMSG + 750 IU HCG influence in a different way the trypsin inhibiting activities (TIA) of blood plasma (BP) (Figs 1 and 2) and follicular fluid (fig. 3); this points to a possibility of local effects.

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Superovulation treatment leaves alternations in the controlling regions of the hypothalamus and in the adjacent ependyme after ovulation. The test ewes were synchronized with Agelin (20 mg chlorsuperlutin in one vaginal sponge) and stimulated (after the removal of the sponges) with 750 IU PMSG + 750 IU HCG and with 1000 IU HCG and 750 IU PMSG + 5 ml Antisergon (goat antiserum against PMSG), administered 68 hours after PMSG (i.e.

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