Publications by authors named "J A Corronca"

Understanding and preserving biodiversity in natural habitats is crucial due to their rapid degradation and destruction. The meiofauna of natural areas is less well known than the macroscopic life. Tardigrades are common in limno-terrestrial meiofauna and can indicate environmental conditions.

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Factors influencing the diversity of tenebrionid beetles in arid, high-altitude environments in the northwest of Argentina are little-known. Using pitfall traps and suction sampling in 30 sites, we collected these beetles in Altos Andes (AA) and Puna (PU) ecoregions and evaluated how local and regional factors influenced their assemblages. During each sampling date, we registered variables related to climate, vegetation, and soil in each sampling site.

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Studies under constant temperatures are the most common to estimate the Postmortem Interval (PMI). It is imperative that forensic sciences have data from studies carried out in the field. Therefore, this work aims to: (1) evaluate the parameters (weight, length, development time) associated with the life cycles of Lucilia ochricornis (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Lucilia purpurascens (Walker) under experimental conditions in the field considering fluctuating temperatures, and (2) compare these results with those known and published by the same authors for cultures realized in the laboratory under constant temperatures; which will permit us to contrast the most widely used existing methodologies for forensic application in estimating the minimum postmortem interval (PMImin).

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Obtaining the specific development time of each species of forensic interest is crucial for the estimation of an accurate and reliable Minimum Postmortem Interval (PMImin). In Argentina, Lucilia ochricornis (Wiedemann) and Lucilia purpurascens (Walker) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) were masked under the name Lucilia cluvia (Walker) for a long time still in forensic expertise. For this reason, the objective of this work is to deepen the study of the development time of these species and utilize this relevant information in the generation of different associated methods that can be used in forensics to estimate the PMI.

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The early arrival and colonization of species belonging to the family Calliphoridae (Insecta: Diptera) on a corpse represent one of the most reliable means of estimating minimum postmortem interval (PMImin). However, information on the development and life cycles of some Argentine species in this family is not complete. The objective of this work was to contribute new information regarding the larval body size of neotropical species that allow, through the construction of forensic methods, the estimation of a more precise and specific PMImin.

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