Holarctic Stylops is the largest genus of the enigmatic insect order Strepsiptera, twisted winged parasites. Members of Stylops are obligate endoparasites of Andrena mining bees and exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism typical of Strepsiptera. So far, molecular studies on Stylops have focused on questions on species delimitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe processes generating the earth's montane biodiversity remain a matter of debate. Two contrasting hypotheses have been advanced to explain how montane populations form: via direct colonization from other mountains, or, alternatively, via upslope range shifts from adjacent lowland areas. We seek to reconcile these apparently conflicting hypotheses by asking whether a species' ancestral geographic origin determines its mode of mountain colonization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the case of a 3-year-old girl who presented with an elevated, darkly colored, subconjunctival lesion found to be a ciliary body cyst with extrascleral extension. The patient was treated with excision of bulbar conjunctiva, sclera, and the ciliary body cystic lesion. The defect was repaired with a scleral patch graft.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (FTHFS) gene is a molecular marker of choice to study the diversity of acetogenic communities. However, current analyses are limited due to lack of a high-throughput sequencing approach for FTHFS gene amplicons and a dedicated bioinformatics pipeline for data analysis, including taxonomic annotation and visualization of the sequence data. In the present study, we combined the barcode approach for multiplexed sequencing with unsupervised data analysis to visualize acetogenic community structure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe bowerbirds in New Guinea and Australia include species that build the largest and perhaps most elaborately decorated constructions outside of humans. The males use these courtship bowers, along with their displays, to attract females. In these species, the mating system is polygynous and the females alone incubate and feed the nestlings.
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