Publications by authors named "Ivanovic A"

Purpose: There are challenges in understanding the biomechanics of the human middle ear, and established methods for studying this system show significant limitations. In this study, we evaluate a novel dynamic imaging technique based on synchrotron X-ray microtomography designed to assess the biomechanical properties of the human middle ear by comparing it to laser-Doppler vibrometry (LDV).

Methods: We examined three fresh-frozen temporal bones (TB), two donated by white males and one by a Black female, using dynamic synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography for 256 and 512 Hz, stimulated at 110 dB and 120 dB sound pressure level (SPL).

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Allometry, the relationship between body size and the size of other body parts, explains a significant portion of morphological variation across biological levels, at the individual level, within and between species. We used external morphology measurements of 6 Triturus (sub)species, focussing on the T. marmoratus species group, to explore allometric parameters within and between taxa.

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In this work, a hydrometallurgical process for the recycling of diamond core drilling crowns by means of aqua regia leaching and subsequent alkali leaching was investigated. This investigation continues a previous study in which nitric acid was used for the acid leaching phase. In the current study, higher tungsten recovery was achieved, reaching 98.

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Introduction: Since COVID-19 first surfaced in 2019, it has seriously threatened public health. The most prevalent symptoms are respiratory ones. This study aimed to present the correlation between the severity of the clinical presentation of the disease and the results of respiratory function tests conducted within 6 months after hospital discharge.

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The liver, a crucial organ for metabolic processes, has a generally uniform histological structure across amphibian taxa. However, ontogenetic changes, particularly those related to biphasic life cycle and metamorphosis, are less documented. Here, we explored and described the liver histology of an emerging model organism, the Balkan crested newt (Triturus ivanbureschi) at three ontogenetic stages: larval, juvenile (just after metamorphosis) and adult.

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Purpose: There are challenges in understanding the biomechanics of the human middle ear, and established methods for studying this system show significant limitations. In this study, we evaluate a novel dynamic imaging technique based on synchrotron X-ray microtomography designed to assess the biomechanical properties of the human middle ear by comparing it to laser-Doppler vibrometry (LDV).

Methods: We examined three fresh-frozen temporal bones (TB) using dynamic synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography for 256 Hz and 512 Hz, stimulated at 110 dB and 120 dB SPL.

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The auditory ossicles amplify and transmit sound from the environment to the inner ear. The distribution of bone mineral density is crucial for the proper functioning of sound transmission as the ossicles are suspended in an air-filled chamber. However, little is known about the distribution of bone mineral density along the human ossicular chain and within individual ossicles.

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There is an increased interest in the evolution and development of newts from the genus Triturus because: (1) morphological differentiation among the nine constituent species largely corresponds to different ecological preferences, (2) hybridization between different species pairs has various evolutionary outcomes in terms of life history traits and morphology, and (3) the genus expresses a balanced lethal system that causes arrested growth and death of half of the embryos. These features provide natural experimental settings for molecular, morphological, and life-history studies. Therefore, we produce a staging table for the Balkan crested newt (T.

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The characterization of the vibrations of the middle ear ossicles during sound transmission is a focal point in clinical research. However, the small size of the structures, their micrometer-scale movement, and the deep-seated position of the middle ear within the temporal bone make these types of measurements extremely challenging. In this work, dynamic synchrotron-based X-ray phase-contrast microtomography is used on acoustically stimulated intact human ears, allowing for the three-dimensional visualization of entire human eardrums and ossicular chains in motion.

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The magnetic exchange coupling between magnetic impurities and a superconductor induce so-called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states which undergo a quantum phase transition (QPT) upon increasing the exchange interaction beyond a critical value. While the evolution through the QPT is readily observable, in particular if the YSR state features an electron-hole asymmetry, the concomitant change in the ground state is more difficult to identify. We use ultralow temperature scanning tunneling microscopy to demonstrate how the change in the YSR ground state across the QPT can be directly observed for a spin-1/2 impurity in a magnetic field.

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Pancreatic transplantation is an established treatment for patients with type 1 diabetes patients and select type 2 diabetes patients, with excellent survival rates as graft health is evaluated through regular imaging and early detection of complications. Amongst the various imaging methods that may aid in diagnosis of pancreatic transplant complications, ultrasound is a widely available, quick, portable, and cost-effective technique, often used as the sole method to assess for pancreatic transplant complications. When assessing a patient with a pancreatic transplant, the radiologist should be methodical in assessing the vasculature, the pancreatic parenchyma, and the peripancreatic regions.

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Oxidative stress, arising from disrupted balance between reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) and antioxidant defences, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of stress-related disorders. There is a growing body of evidence that supports the relationship between the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) stress system, oxidative stress and magnesium (Mg) homeostasis. The present study aimed to explore the gap in our current understanding of antigenotoxic and protective effects of Mg supplementation against excessive ROS production in male rats during chronic treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

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Serially homologous structures may have complex patterns of regionalization and morphological integration, influenced by developmental Hox gene expression and functional constraints. The vertebral column, consisting of a number of repeated, developmentally constrained, and highly integrated units-vertebrae-is such a complex serially homologous structure. Functional diversification increases regionalization and modularity of the vertebral column, particularly in mammals.

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Given its crucial location at the crossroads of the gastrointestinal tract, the hepatobiliary system and the splanchnic vessels, the duodenum can be affected by a wide spectrum of abnormalities. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, in conjunction with endoscopy, are often performed to evaluate these conditions, and several duodenal pathologies can be identified on fluoroscopic studies. Since many conditions affecting this organ are asymptomatic, the role of imaging cannot be overemphasized.

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Background: Amphibian skin has been studied for many decades, especially the metamorphic changes in the skin of frogs. Less attention has been paid to salamander skin. Here, we describe changes in the skin structure during postembryonic development in a salamandrid species, the Balkan crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi.

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Health care policies often rely on public cooperation, especially during a health crisis. However, a crisis is also a period of uncertainty and proliferation of health-related advice: while some people adhere to the official recommendations, others tend to avoid them and resort to non-evidence based, pseudoscientific practices. People prone to the latter are often the ones endorsing a set of epistemically suspect beliefs, with two being particularly relevant: conspiratorial pandemic-related beliefs, and the appeal to nature bias regarding COVID-19 (i.

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Ectotherms are particularly sensitive to global warming due to their limited capacity to thermoregulate, which can impact their performance and fitness. From a physiological standpoint, higher temperatures often enhance biological processes that can induce the production of reactive oxygen species and result in a state of cellular oxidative stress. Temperature alters interspecific interactions, including species hybridization.

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Micro-computed tomography is a powerful tool toward the detailed reconstruction of internal and external morphology, in particular for ossified and other dense tissues. Here, we document and compare the level of calcification in the skin of the head and the parotoids (the external skin glands) in males and females of common and spined toads, Bufo bufo and B. spinosus.

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Cell death plays an important role in diabetes-induced liver dysfunction. Ferroptosis is a newly defined regulated cell death caused by iron-dependent lipid peroxidation. Our previous studies have shown that high glucose and streptozotocin (STZ) cause β-cell death through ferroptosis and that ferrostatin-1 (Fer-1), an inhibitor of ferroptosis, improves β-cell viability, islet morphology, and function.

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The main pathological hallmark of diabetes is the loss of functional -cells. Among several types of -cell death in diabetes, the involvement of ferroptosis remains elusive. Therefore, we investigated the potential of diabetes-mimicking factors: high glucose (HG), proinflammatory cytokines, hydrogen peroxide (HO), or diabetogenic agent streptozotocin (STZ) to induce ferroptosis of -cells .

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This study deals with the issue of beach litter pollution in the context of the Descriptor 10 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Good Environmental Status of EU waters and Ecological objective 10, Common indicator 22 of IMAP. Analyses of the amount, distribution and categorization of beach litter were conducted on nine beaches during 108 surveys covering the area of 206.620 m in Albania, Italy and Montenegro.

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Two large-bodied newt species, and , hybridize in nature across the Balkan Peninsula. Consequences of hybridization upon secondary contact of two species include species displacement and asymmetrical introgression of mtDNA. We set an experimental reciprocal cross of parental species and obtained two genotypes of F hybrids (with or mtDNA).

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The salamander vertebral column is largely undifferentiated with a series of more or less uniform rib-bearing presacral vertebrae traditionally designated as the trunk region. We explored regionalization of the salamander trunk in seven species and two subspecies of the salamander genus Lissotriton by the combination of microcomputed tomography scanning and geometric morphometrics. The detailed information on trunk vertebral shape was subjected to a multidimensional cluster analysis and a phenotypic trajectory analysis.

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If a pulmonary pathology can be removed by anatomical segmentectomy, the need for lobectomy is obviated. The procedure is considered oncologically equivalent and saves healthy lung tissue. In every segmentectomy, lung parenchyma must be transected in the intersegmental plane.

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Background: In the setting of cirrhotic liver, the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is straightforward when typical imaging findings consisting of arterial hypervascularity followed by portal-venous washout are present in nodules larger than 1 cm. However, due to the complexity of hepatocarcinogenesis, not all HCCs present with typical vascular behaviour. Atypical forms such as hypervascular HCC without washout, isovascular or even hypovascular HCC can pose diagnostic dilemmas.

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