We examined the atmospheric conditions favourable to the occurrence of maximum concentrations of ragweed pollen with an extremely high risk of producing allergy. Over the 2002-2009 period, daily pollen data collected in Zagreb were used to identify two periods of high pollen concentration (> 600 grains/m(3)) for our analysis: period A (3-4 September 2002) and period B (6-7 September 2003). Synoptic conditions in both periods were very similar: Croatia was under the influence of a lower sector high pressure system moving slowly eastward over Eastern Europe.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aims of the study were to analyse characteristics of the Castanea airborne pollen and to compare aeropalynological data obtained from two sampling stations in north-west Croatia. The study was conducted in Zagreb and Samobor during the 2003-2006 periods, using the seven-day volumetric samplers of the Hirst design. In both study areas, the seasons of chestnut pollination were similar and lasted from June to the end of July, which is comparable to other European cities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Agric Environ Med
September 2007
Pollen allergy is characterized by seasonal allergic manifestations affecting patients during the plant pollen season. The aim of this study was to analyze the Betulaceae pollen pattern in Zagreb (2002-2005) and to determine the incidence of sensitization to these pollen types in patients with seasonal respiratory allergy. Twenty-four-hour pollen counts were carried out using volumetric procedure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn spite of the low atmospheric pollen levels, Artemisia sensitisation and allergy has been reported widely. The aim of the study was to determine the length of pollen season, intradiurnal, daily and monthly pollen variation, and the effect of some meteorological parameters on atmospheric pollen concentrations in Central Croatia. Seven-day Hirst volumetric pollen and spore traps were used for pollen sampling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study was to determine the length of Poaceae pollen season, intradiurnal, daily and monthly pollen variation, and the effect of some meteorological parameters on atmospheric pollen concentration, at three monitoring sites in inland Croatia during the 2003-2004 period. Seven-day Hirst volumetric pollen and spore traps were used for pollen sampling. At all three monitoring sites considerably higher precipitation and lower average temperature in 2004 led to a marked decrease in the grass pollen concentration in the air at all three monitoring sites.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study was to determine the onset, duration and termination of the ragweed pollen season; intradiurnal, daily and monthly pollen variation, and possible differences in the occurrence and concentration of ragweed pollen according to sampling sites between 2002 and 2003. The study was conducted at three sampling sites in central Croatia over two pollen seasons (2002 and 2003) using the volumetric method of sampling (Hirst type sampler). In 2003, the ragweed pollen season was by 43 % longer and the percentage proportion of ragweed pollen by 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between meteorological conditions and Alternaria and Cladosporium spore concentrations in the air of Zagreb in August 2002 and August 2003. These months were chosen because they represented climatic extremes. A 7-day VPPS 2000 Hirst volumetric pollen and spore trap was used for spore sampling.
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