Objective: The aim: Assessment of students' youth' nutrition by components introduction of nutrition correction methods.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The following methods have been used in the study: analytical, questionnaire method (the authors composed a questionnaire chart for complex assessment of life style components), statistical (the data received statistical analysis by the licensed in Ukraine software IBM SPSS Statistics Base v.22, with academic lifetime license).
Objective: The aim: Scientific justification of the public health management methods and instruments for improvement of its effectiveness.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The authors conducted a complex research of the public health of Ukraine personnel resources development during the system establishment and building.
Conclusion: Conclusions: The paper justifies the competence-based model of a specialist (the postgraduate educational level) as well as the university educational standards of the first (bachelor) and second (master) levels of specialty 229 "Public health", knowledge branch 22 "Healthcare".