J Pharm Pharm Sci
July 2020
The acceptance of foreign comparator products is the most limiting factor for the development and regulatory assessment of generic medicines marketed globally. Bioequivalence studies have to be repeated with the local comparator products of each jurisdiction because it is unknown if the comparators of the different countries are the same product, with the consequent duplication of efforts by regulators and industry alike. The regulatory requirements on the acceptability of foreign comparator products of oral dosage forms differ between countries participating in the Bioequivalence Working Group for Generics of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pharm Pharm Sci
September 2019
Purpose: The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) based biowaiver is a scientific model which enables the substitution of in vivo bioequivalence studies with in vitro data as evidence of therapeutic equivalence subject to certain conditions. Despite being based on the same principles, BCS-based biowaivers are interpreted and regulated differently among international regulatory agencies. In this survey, the Bioequivalence Working Group (BEWG) of the International Generic Drug Regulators Programme (IGDRP) compared the criteria for BCS-based biowaivers applied by the participating regulators and organisations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis work focuses on the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles containing triclosan. Additionally, in vitro percutaneous permeation of triclosan through pig ear skin was performed, and comparisons were made with two commercial formulations: An o/w emulsion and a solution, intended for the treatment of acne. The nanoparticle suspensions were prepared by the emulsification-diffusion by solvent displacement method, using Eudragit® E 100 as polymer.
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