Antibiot Khimioter
September 1991
Examination of 136 children with the severe form of acute pneumonia treated in a resuscitation unit revealed a marked suppression of the immunity and lowered antibiotic sensitivity of the bacterial microflora isolated from the respiratory tracts. The patients were previously treated with antibiotics of 2 to 5 families. Auto-blood irradiated with X-rays without the host was transfused to 72 children (group 1) with immunomodulating purposes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClinical and immunological studies of 65 patients with extremely severe disseminated suppurative peritonitis have revealed profound disturbances in their immune status. A considerable (2.5-3-fold) decrease in phagocytosis and complement activity, a drastic drop in T-, B-lymphocyte and T-helper content and a depression in T-lymphocyte functional activity have been observed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA study was made of changes that occur in the rat thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, their nerve elements, and spinal ganglia under the effect of the in vitro X-irradiated blood transfusions. Parallelism was noted in the activation of the immunocompetent organ morphostructures, the rate of reactive alterations in nerve elements, and the improvement of the immunity indices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe results of examination of 83 children with purulent diseases of the lungs and pleura at the age under 6 yrs are presented. The indices of activity of the immunity, intensity of the processes of peroxide oxidation of the lipids, and level of the middle mass molecules were studied. The correlative relationship between them depending on the severity of the course of the disease was revealed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper is concerned with an analysis of the data on the immune status in associated fairly grave pneumonia and the obstructive syndrome in 78 infants treated at the resuscitation department. Gross chances were revealed in nonspecific resistance and in the status of the cellular component of immunity. The use in the treatment of a single transfusion of autologous blood x-rayed outside the body promoted the patients' rapid egress from the critical condition as well as the early improvement of the immune system status.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe results of neurohistologic investigation of lymphangiomas, removed in 68 children, are presented. At the early age in children, the changes in neural fibers of lymphangiomas correspond to reaction of irritation. With increasing of the age, the pronouncement of the destructive processes in the neural fibers increases, leading to hypo- and anervia of the tissues of lymphangiomas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the article the indications to and results of surgical treatment of 2420 children with skin hemangiomas are discussed. An operative excision of hemangiomas was used in 1139 cases, electrocoagulation--in 1648, sclerosing therapy--in 21, combined treatment--in 4. In 5 children hemangiomas were removed with subsequent free skin graft plasty.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe work was undertaken to study the innervation of 120 skin hemangiomas in children aged from 1 month to 14 years. The data obtained have made it possible to conclude that shifts occurring in hemangioma are manifested by alterations in its nervous apparatus. The growth of hemangioma is accompanied with its hyperneuria, a delay in the tumor growth, its involution - by nerve destruction up to the state of hypo- and aneuria.
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