Publications by authors named "Iu A Muromskiĭ"

The paper analyzes the follow-up of 301 patients with spontaneous nonspecific pneumothorax, out of them 103 (52.24%) underwent intraoperative intervention. Bullous emphysema as the most common cause of spontaneous nonspecific pneumothorax was revealed in 74 (71.

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The article discusses the causes of intraoperative and postoperative bleeding from vessels forming in the adhesions between the mantle of the lung, the costal pleura, the mediastinum, and the diaphragm. The authors applied successfully temporary tamponade of the pleural cavity with hemostatic sponge, collagen film, and gauze tampons in 25 patients who underwent pulmonary pleuropulmonectomy. The method is simple and may be successfully applied under any conditions, both in specialized and in ordinary surgical departments.

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The authors suggest a modified Wassner's test which makes the preoperative physiological modeling of the expected postpulmonectomy conditions of gas exchange on the patient much easier because additional separate intubation of the bronchi is not necessary and the reaction of the upper respiratory tract to irritation is excluded. The gas exchange values recorded during the test before the operation are used for appraising the operative risk in pulmonectomy and prognosticating the development of acute respiratory insufficiency in the immediate postoperative period.

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Electron microscopic examinations of the lungs of animals with the model of experimental staphylococcal destruction of the lungs have revealed the regeneration of lung tissues which took place by the 6th month from the onset of the disease. The stimulating effect of laser radiation on the cell growth at the expense of mitosis was observed in the culture of epithelioid cells of the lung tissue. Findings of bronchography, angiopulmonography and an analysis of the function of external respiration in 10 patients have shown a complete anatomical and functional recovery of the alveolar tissue in sites of the former localization of pulmonary abscesses.

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The work is based upon the treatment of 445 patients with complicated abscesses of the lungs for the period from 1963 to 1984. 158 operations were performed in 149 patients. General lethality in patients with complicated abscesses of the lungs was 11%.

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