Am J Speech Lang Pathol
May 2022
Purpose: Objective measures in videofluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSSs) can quantify swallow biomechanics. There are a wide array of validated measures studied in infants, children, and adults. There is a need for a pediatric VFSS protocol that consists of a small number of vital, time efficient, and clinically relevant measures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClinicians performing feeding evaluations in infants often report swallow variability or inconsistency as concerning. However, little is known about whether this represents pathological incoordination or normal physiologic variance in a developing child. Our retrospective study explored quantitative videofluoroscopic measures in 50 bottle-fed infants (0-9 months) referred with feeding concerns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The quality and the range of vocational training (VT) courses offered to youth with disabilities (YwD) in low-middle-income countries are underexplored. This protocol describes a study designed to gather perceptions of a range of stakeholders related to the quality and relevance of VT programmes conducted by the Department of Social Services in Sri Lanka. The purpose of this study is to communicate with authorities the ways in which they can improve their services by paying close attention to the needs and recommendations of all stakeholders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Speech Lang Pathol
March 2021
Purpose Postswallow residue is a clinical sign of swallow impairment and has shown a strong association with aspiration. Videofluoroscopy (videofluoroscopic study of swallowing [VFSS]) is commonly used to visualize oropharyngeal swallowing and to identify pharyngeal residue. However, subjective binary observation (present or absent) fails to provide important information on volume or location and lacks objectivity and reproducibility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
June 2021
Purpose: Quantitative measures have improved the reliability and accuracy in interpretation and reporting of videofluoroscopy (VFSS). Associations between quantitative VFSS measures and swallow safety in children are not widely reported. The ability to predict aspiration in children, even if not observed during brief VFSS, will improve diagnostic reporting and potentially reduce the need for extended radiation time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
November 2020
Objectives: To utilize objective, quantitative videofluoroscopic swallow measures to profile swallowing in infants and to determine the likelihood of objective swallow measures to predict risk of swallow impairments such as airway violation, reflux and post swallow residue.
Study Design: Our single center retrospective observational study used a cohort of 146 bottle-fed infants (0-9 months) referred for VFSS with any kind of feeding related concern. Frame-by-frame analysis of 20-s video loops of mid-feed sucking was completed to obtain quantitative timing, displacement and coordination measures as well as presence of other findings including aspiration, residue and naso-pharyngeal reflux (NPR) and esophago-pharyngeal reflux (EPR).
Early identification and intervention has shown better health outcomes for children with dysphagia. Instrumental swallowing assessments are vital and have been a focus of dysphagia research in the last two decades. This systematic review explores published quantitative instrumental measures of swallowing in children.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
December 2018
Purpose Of The Review: This article reviews recent developments in the instrumental assessment of swallowing in children with a specific focus on research published between January 2017 and June 2018.
Recent Findings: Instrumental swallowing assessments reported in the time period included: videofluoroscopic study of swallowing, digital cervical auscultation, dynamic ultrasound, high-resolution impedance manometry, nasal airflow thermistry and respiratory inductance plethysmography. Several studies were found exploring tools to objectively quantify videofluoroscopic study of swallowing data; swallowing from the mouth through to stomach was addressed including approaches to analysing mastication as well as evaluating oesophageal motility disorders.