Publications by authors named "Islas S"

Article Synopsis
  • * This study uses eggshell membranes from ratites and crocodiles to investigate the biocalcification and biosilicification processes by introducing calcium phosphate or silica into the membranes.
  • * Analysis through various advanced techniques (SEM, Raman, FTIR) revealed that untreated membranes grow structures resembling the inner eggshell, while treated membranes resemble the outer and intermediate layers, indicating the role of intramineral proteins in structure formation.
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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a cytokine with wide-ranging biological effects, playing an important role on the immune system and inflammatory responses. Therefore, it is important to develop alternative, highly sensitive and reliable analytical methodologies for the accurate detection of this biomarker in biological fluids. Graphene substrates (GS), such as pristine graphene (G), graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), have shown great benefits for biosensing and in the development of novel biosensor devices.

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The origin of life on Earth is associated with the Precambrian era, in which the existence of a large diversity of microbial fossils has been demonstrated. Notwithstanding, despite existing evidence of the emergence of life many unsolved questions remain. The first question could be as follows: Which was the inorganic structure that allowed isolation and conservation of the first biomolecules in the existing reduced conditions of the primigenial era? Minerals have been postulated as the ones in charge of protecting theses biomolecules against the external environment.

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Due to sanitary restrictions secondary to the COVID-19 pandemic, various interactions between the pharmaceutical industry and physicians have changed. One of them has been the method for promoting medicinal products through academic meetings around diseases of financial interest. A recent modality has been unilateral promotion by the pharmaceutical industry through academic events with the invitation of so-called "experts" for the promotion of a specific drug.

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Chronic inflammatory diseases, such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, stroke, ischemic heart diseases, neurodegenerative conditions, and COVID-19 have had a high number of deaths worldwide in recent years. The accurate detection of the biomarkers for chronic inflammatory diseases can significantly improve diagnosis, as well as therapy and clinical care in patients. Graphene derivative materials (GDMs), such as pristine graphene (G), graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), have shown tremendous benefits for biosensing and in the development of novel biosensor devices.

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Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) has shown effective resistance to a diversity of diseases and insects, including tan spot, which is caused by , being an important foliar disease that can attack all types of wheat and several grasses. In this study, 443 SHW plants were evaluated for their resistance to tan spot under controlled environmental conditions. Additionally, a genome-wide association study was conducted by genotyping all entries with the DArTSeq technology to identify marker-trait associations for tan spot resistance.

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The Precambrian era is called the first stage of the Earth history and is considered the longest stage in the geological time scale. Despite its duration, several of its environmental and chemical characteristics are still being studied. It is an era of special relevance not only for its duration but also because it is when a set of conditions gave rise to the first organism.

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A novel chapter in current medical settings is the promotion and attention of esthetic aspects rather than health issues by health professionals. The human aspiration related to the search for personal beauty has generated new scenarios in medical practice. The Committee on Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship (CETREMI) of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico has analyzed this phenomenon and has issued recommendations directed both to medical professionals and to producers and potential consumers of esthetic procedures.

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Graphenic substrates (GS), such as reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and graphene oxide (GO), are 2D materials known for their unique physicochemical properties such as their ability to enhance vibrational spectroscopic signals and quench the fluorescence of adsorbed molecules. These properties provide an opportunity to develop nanostructured GS-based systems for detecting and identifying different analytes with high sensitivity and reliability through molecular spectroscopic techniques. This work evaluated the capacities of different GS to interact with a highly fluorescent compound, thereby changing its optical emission response (fluorescence quenching) and amplifying its vibrational signal, which is the base of graphene-enhanced Raman scattering (GERS).

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Conflicts of interest are situations in which judgment and integrity of medical decisions or actions are influenced by a secondary interest, often of an economic nature. The Committee of Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico recognizes that these conflicts occur in health professionals' daily life, but also in public and private institutions that provide health services, as well as in the academy and in research activities. Therefore, it is necessary to identify conflicting situations and always act in accordance with the patient's interest.

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Writing a prescription or indicating a treatment is usually the last part of medical consultation. This crucial process can be undermined by multiple factors such as limited prescriptive ability, overwork, and lack of reflection or time. Insufficient information about the patient or the treatment affects the prescriptive process and leads to errors that can be serious for patient health.

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Self-medication and self-prescription are actions undertaken by patients; the former, as an element of self-care that involves over-the-counter drugs, and the latter, as a violation of the Statute of Health, since it includes drugs that can only be dispensed with a medical prescription. All the drawbacks that have been attributed to self-medication are actually associated with self-prescription. La automedicación y la autoprescripción son acciones de los pacientes; la primera como elemento del autocuidado que involucra medicamentos de venta libre y la segunda como una violación a la ley de salud, pues comprende medicamentos que solo pueden expenderse con receta.

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The implementation of an essential medicines list in health institutions allows acquiring and administering a long list of drugs that offers treatment alternatives to physicians, as well as a collegiate academic description of indications, doses, side effects, interactions and cost-benefit analyses, thus facilitating medical prescription and administration of health products. The Committee of Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship issues several recommendations for optimizing the benefits generated by essential medicines lists. La implementación en instituciones de salud de un cuadro básico permite adquirir y administrar una larga lista de medicamentos que presenta a los médicos las alternativas de tratamiento, así como la descripción académica colegiada de indicaciones, dosis, efectos secundarios, interacciones y análisis de costo-beneficio, con lo que se facilita la prescripción médica y la administración de insumos para la salud.

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Conflicts of interest are situations in which judgment and integrity of medical decisions or actions are influenced by a secondary interest, often of an economic nature. The Committee of Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico recognizes that these conflicts occur in health professionals' daily life, but also in public and private institutions that provide health services, as well as in the academy and in research activities. Therefore, it is necessary to identify conflicting situations and always act in accordance with the patient's interest.

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Clinical research is the most important tool for the identification of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies that derive in higher efficacy and safety. Despite its significance, successful implementation of clinical research faces numerous difficulties, with one the most relevant being limited availability of resources for the performance of independent clinical trials. Generally, the pharmaceutical industry absorbs the costs associated with most clinical trials; however, this can generate dissociation between subjects of interest and health priorities when economic interest is the main driver of these protocols.

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Doctors require flexibility for prescription. However, some limits are laid down both by current knowledge and by restrictions imposed by access and rules and regulations. The Committee for Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship (CETREMI) of the National Academy of Medicine proposes several suggestions to help patients, which include the selection of the best alternatives for each case, formalization of prescription standards variations (doses, drug indications, etc.

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Recombinant human interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a key cytokine that plays an important role in the immune system and inflammatory response, explaining why any modification of its concentration in biological fluids is considered a signal of a pathological condition. Therefore, it is important to develop alternative, highly sensitive and reliable analytical methodologies to detect and identify this analyte in biological fluids. Herein, we present a proof of concept for the development of a new analytical hybrid platform for IL-6 detection that is based on the combination of drop-coating deposition Raman (DCDR) spectroscopy and graphene-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (GERS) effects.

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Informed consent is an indispensable element to obtain adequate patient participation either in research protocols or in therapeutic design. The Committee of Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship (CETREMI) of the National Academy of Medicine developed several recommendations for informed consent to be documented.

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Continuing medical education activities are often financially supported by pharmaceutical and device companies. With the purpose to ensure ethics and accountability in the management of this assistance, the Committee of Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico formulates recommendations to medical associations' leaders in this text.

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El tratamiento del dolor crónico severo es una meta histórica de la medicina. Los opioides naturales (como la morfina) se han usado por muchos años y la aparición reciente de opioides sintéticos se ha sumado a esta opción terapéutica, sin embargo, el potencial adictivo de estas sustancias obliga a la reglamentación de su uso. Las agencias médicas internacionales recomiendan prudencia en el uso terapéutico de opioides.

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Varios medicamentos de adecuada eficacia han sido retirados del mercado por razones financieras, ya sea por su reducido precio (la patente ha expirado) o porque han sido sustituidos por nuevos fármacos (con patentes vigentes); otros tantos no han sido desarrollados porque las enfermedades contra las que van dirigidos no son económicamente promisorias debido al tipo de población que las padece (estratos económicamente marginados o sin significación numérica). Deberán establecerse lineamientos e incentivos para la industria farmacéutica y de biotecnología. Several drugs with adequate efficacy have been withdrawn from the market for financial reasons, either due to their reduced price (the patent has expired) or because they have been substituted with new drugs (with patents in force); many others have not been developed because the diseases they are directed against are not economically promising owing to the type of population that suffers from them (economically marginalized or numerically non-significant strata).

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Monoarticular tuberculosis of the wrist is a rare presentation of primary tuberculosis, being more common skeletal forms involving the spine. Extraspinal tuberculous osteomyelitis is rare and comprises only 2 to 3% of all cases of osteoarticular Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections. We present a case of a 49 years old female patient, who worked as an hospital cleaning employed without other comorbidity.

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Los costos de la atención médica pueden alcanzar niveles tales que marginen a algunos pacientes de los beneficios del avance científico y tecnológico. Las razones de estos elevados costos son diversas y en la mayoría de los casos no está en manos de los médicos moderarlos. En este escrito se proponen algunas acciones que los médicos podemos realizar para disminuir los costos de la atención médica.

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La relación que involucra al médico y la industria abarca un espectro amplio de formas, para lo cual se requiere una exposición clara y transparente de términos y principios. Uno de los objetivos primordiales de la industria es contar con un respaldo académico que le permita dar a conocer las características y las propiedades de sus productos -eficacia, eficiencia y seguridad- con el propósito de ser prescritos y usados. Los fines de la industria son la venta de sus productos, el reconocimiento como empresas de prestigio y la ganancia económica.

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