Doxxing, a type of cyberbullying, occurs when an individual's personal information is shared without consent and with malintent. Doxxing can be seen as a form of vigilantism, a way to hold others accountable for actions or opinions. Unfortunately, this form of justice may have a catastrophic impact on the victim, especially a physician.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide) is a 28-amino acid peptide hormone expressed by cancer and the healthy nervous system, digestive tract, cardiovascular, and immune cell tissues. Many cancers express VIP and its surface receptors VPAC1 and VPAC2, but the role of autocrine VIP signaling in cancer as a targetable prognostic and predictive biomarker remains poorly understood. Therefore, we conducted an in silico gene expression analysis to study the mechanisms of autocrine VIP signaling in cancer.
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