Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis
December 2024
SNCA/PARK1 encodes α-synuclein, which is associated with familial Parkinson's disease. Despite its abundance in presynaptic terminals, the aggregation mechanism of α-synuclein and its relationship with Parkinson's disease have not yet been elucidated. Moreover, the ultrastructures of α-synuclein localization sites in neuronal presynaptic terminals remain unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is a group of pediatric neurodegenerative diseases. One of their causative genes, CLN10/CtsD, encodes cathepsin D, a major lysosomal protease. Central nervous system (CNS)-specific CtsD-deficient mice exhibit a neurodegenerative disease phenotype with accumulation of ceroid lipofuscins, granular osmiophilic deposits, and SQSTM1/p62.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn-resin CLEM (Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy) of Epon-embedded cells involves correlating fluorescence microscopy with electron microscopy in the same Epon-embedded ultrathin section. This method offers the advantage of high positional accuracy compared to standard CLEM. However, it requires the expression of recombinant proteins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCorrelative fluorescent and electron microscopic images of the same section of epoxy (or other polymer)-embedded samples, hereafter referred to as 'in-resin CLEM', have been developed to improve the positional accuracy and Z-axis resolution limitations of conventional correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). High-pressure freezing and quick-freezing substitution result in in-resin CLEM of acrylic-based resin-embedded cells expressing green fluorescent protein, yellow fluorescent protein, mVenus and mCherry, which are sensitive to osmium tetroxide. The identification of osmium-resistant fluorescent proteins leads to the development of in-resin CLEM of Epon-embedded cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAutophagy plays an essential role in preserving cellular homeostasis in pancreatic beta cells. However, the extent of autophagic flux in pancreatic islets induced in various physiological settings remains unclear. In this study, we generate transgenic mice expressing pHluorin-LC3-mCherry reporter for monitoring systemic autophagic flux by measuring the pHluorin/mCherry ratio, validating them in the starvation and insulin-deficient model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPostfixation with osmium tetroxide and Epon embedding are essential for the preservation and visualization of subcellular ultrastructures via electron microscopy. These chemical treatments diminish the fluorescent intensity of most fluorescent proteins in cells, creating a problem for the in-resin correlative light-electron microscopy (CLEM) of Epon-embedded mammalian cultured cells. We found that two green and two far-red fluorescent proteins retain their fluorescence after chemical fixation with glutaraldehyde, osmium tetroxide-staining, dehydration, and polymerization of Epon resins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is one of many neurodegenerative storage diseases characterized by excessive accumulation of lipofuscins. CLN10 disease, an early infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, is associated with a gene that encodes cathepsin D (CtsD), one of the major lysosomal proteases. Whole body CtsD-knockout mice show neurodegenerative phenotypes with the accumulation of lipofuscins in the brain and also show defects in other tissues including intestinal necrosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiotin ligases have been developed as proximity biotinylation enzymes for analyses of the interactome. However, there has been no report on the application of proximity labeling for in-resin correlative light-electron microscopy of Epon-embedded cells. In this study, we established a proximity-labeled in-resin CLEM of Epon-embedded cells using miniTurbo, a biotin ligase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSjögren's syndrome (SjS) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by immune cell infiltration of the exocrine glands, mainly the salivary and lacrimal glands. Despite recent advances in the clinical and mechanistic characterization of the disease, its etiology remains largely unknown. Here, we report that mice with a deficiency for either Atg7 or Atg3, which are enzymes involved in the ubiquitin modification pathway, in the salivary glands exhibit a SjS-like phenotype, characterized by immune cell infiltration with autoantibody detection, acinar cell death, and dry mouth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Histochem Cytochem
June 2021
During autophagy, autophagosomes are formed to engulf cytoplasmic contents. p62/SQSTM-1 is an autophagic adaptor protein that forms p62 bodies. A unique feature of p62 bodies is that they seem to directly associate with membranous structures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn-resin CLEM of Epon embedded samples can greatly simplify the correlation of fluorescent images with electron micrographs. The usefulness of this technique is limited at present by the low number of fluorescent proteins that resist CLEM processing. Additionally, no study has reported the possibility of two-color in-resin CLEM of Epon embedded cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCaffeic acid (CA), a coffee-related natural compound, has various beneficial biological effects, including antiviral effects. Our former studies demonstrated that the CA dose-dependently inhibited the in vitro infection with Dabie bandavirus, which was previously named as severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV), mainly at the step of virus attachment. Therefore, we studied the structural basis of CA for conferring anti-SFTSV activity to clarify the mechanism of action of CA against SFTSV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPost-fixation with osmium tetroxide staining and the embedding of Epon are robust and essential treatments that are used to preserve and visualize intracellular membranous structures during electron microscopic analyses. These treatments, however, can significantly diminish the fluorescent intensity of most fluorescent proteins in cells, which creates an obstacle for the in-resin correlative light-electron microscopy (CLEM) of Epon-embedded cells. In this study, we used a far-red fluorescent protein that retains fluorescence after osmium staining and Epon embedding to perform an in-resin CLEM of Epon-embedded samples.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe generated a new transgenic mouse model that expresses a pHluorin-mKate2 fluorescent protein fused with human LC3B (PK-LC3 mice) for monitoring autophagy activity in neurons of the central nervous system. Histological analysis revealed fluorescent puncta in neurons of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellar Purkinje cells, and anterior spinal regions. Using CLEM analysis, we confirmed that PK-LC3-positive puncta in the perikarya of Purkinje cells correspond to autophagic structures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFShiga toxin (STx) is a virulence factor produced by enterohemorrhagic STx is taken up by mammalian host cells by binding to the glycosphingolipid (GSL) globotriaosylceramide (Gb3; Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glc-ceramide) and causes cell death after its retrograde membrane transport. However, the contribution of the hydrophobic portion of Gb3 (ceramide) to STx transport remains unclear. In pigeons, blood group P1 glycan antigens (Galα1-4Galβ1-4GlcNAc-) are expressed on glycoproteins that are synthesized by α1,4-galactosyltransferase 2 (pA4GalT2).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn innate immunity, multiple autophagic processes eliminate intracellular pathogens, but it remains unclear whether noncanonical autophagy and xenophagy are coordinated, and whether they occur concomitantly or sequentially. Here, we show that Streptococcus pneumoniae, a causative of invasive pneumococcal disease, can trigger FIP200-, PI3P-, and ROS-independent pneumococcus-containing LC3-associated phagosome (LAPosome)-like vacuoles (PcLVs) in an early stage of infection, and that PcLVs are indispensable for subsequent formation of bactericidal pneumococcus-containing autophagic vacuoles (PcAVs). Specifically, we identified LC3- and NDP52-delocalized PcLV, which are intermediates between PcLV and PcAV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRenal proximal tubular epithelial cells are significantly damaged during acute kidney injury. Renal proximal tubular cell-specific autophagy-deficient mice show increased sensitivity against renal injury, while showing few pathological defects under normal fed conditions. Considering that autophagy protects the proximal tubular cells from acute renal injury, it is reasonable to assume that autophagy contributes to the maintenance of renal tubular cells under normal fed conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAutophagy is a mechanism of bulk protein degradation that plays an important role in regulating homeostasis in many organisms. Among several methods for evaluating its activity, a fluorescent reporter GFP-LC3-RFP-LC3ΔG, in which GFP-LC3 is cleaved by ATG4 following autophagic induction and degraded in lysosome, has been used for monitoring autophagic flux, which is the amount of lysosomal protein degradation. In this study, we modified this reporter by exchanging GFP for pHluorin, which is more sensitive to low pH, and RFP to mCherry, to construct pHluorin-LC3-mCherry reporter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Golgi apparatus plays an indispensable role in posttranslational modification and transport of proteins to their target destinations. Although it is well established that the Golgi apparatus requires an acidic luminal pH for optimal activity, morphological and functional abnormalities at the neuronal circuit level because of perturbations in Golgi pH are not fully understood. In addition, morphological alteration of the Golgi apparatus is associated with several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPreviously, we reported that coffee extract and its constituents, caffeic acid (CA) and p-coumaric acid, inhibit infection by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). In the present report, we identified another coffee-related compound, tannic acid (TA), which also inhibits HCV infection. We systematically evaluated which steps of the viral lifecycle were affected by CA and TA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCathepsin D is one of the major lysosomal aspartic proteases that is essential for the normal functioning of the autophagy-lysosomal system. In the kidney, cathepsin D is enriched in renal proximal tubular epithelial cells, and its levels increase during acute kidney injury. To investigate how cathepsin D-deficiency impacts renal proximal tubular cells, we employed a conditional knockout mouse.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochem Biophys Res Commun
January 2019
Autophagy, a system for the bulk degradation of intracellular components, is essential for homeostasis and the healthy physiology and development of cells and tissues. Its deregulation is associated with human disease. Thus, methods to modulate autophagic activity are critical for analysis of its role in mammalian cells and tissues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStreptococcus pneumoniae is the most common causative agent of community-acquired pneumonia and can penetrate epithelial barriers to enter the bloodstream and brain. We investigated intracellular fates of S. pneumoniae and found that the pathogen is entrapped by selective autophagy in pneumolysin- and ubiquitin-p62-LC3 cargo-dependent manners.
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