Pairing a palatable flavor (US) with an initially neutral flavor cue (CS) results in an acquired conditioned preference for the latter. Two main associations have been proposed to explain the acquisition of flavor preferences: Flavor-Flavor and Flavor-Nutrient learning. Although the hedonic reaction triggered by US consumption has also been suggested as a possible additional component underlying acquired flavor preference, this issue has received little attention.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Psychol Anim Learn Cogn
July 2023
Intermixed exposure to two similar stimuli, for example, AX and BX, improves subsequent discrimination between them compared to blocked exposure (the intermixed/blocked effect). Salience modulation models, developed mainly from research with nonhuman animals and exposure to widely spaced similar stimuli, explain this effect in terms of increased salience of the unique elements, A and B. Conversely, the results from experiments initially conducted with humans and exposure to close spaced similar stimuli have led to the suggestion that it is the development of well-unitized representations of unique elements that leads to better discrimination, leaving the unique elements with less effective salience.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Psychol Anim Learn Cogn
April 2023
In three experiments, rats were given experience of flavored solutions AX and BX, where A and B represent distinctive flavors and X a flavor common to both solutions. In one condition, AX and BX were presented on the same trial separated by a 5-min interval (intermixed preexposure). In another condition, each daily trial consisted of presentations of only AX or only BX (blocked preexposure).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExposure to two similar stimuli (AX and BX; e.g., two tastes) reduces the extent to which a conditioned response later established to BX generalizes to AX.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSensory specific satiety refers to a decline in the hedonic value of the sensory properties of a particular food as it is consumed. This phenomenon is characterized by a decrement in responding as a consequence of repeated exposure, is stimulus specific, and recovers after time. All these characteristics are shared with the habituation phenomenon and for this reason, habituation has been proposed as the underlying mechanism that explains this eating regulatory system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn three experiments thirsty rats were given exposure to a sweet solution (saccharin in some experiments, sucrose in others) prior to consuming a compound of the sweet substance and almond flavoring. Preference for that flavor, in a choice test of almond vs. water, was then assessed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo experiments, using rats as the subjects, and flavour aversion learning with an injection of lithium chloride (LiCl) as the unconditioned stimulus (US), examined the effects of a context shift between phases of the procedure on the retardation of learning produced by preexposure to the US. Experiment 1 showed that the US-preexposure effect (the reduction in the size of the conditioned aversion) was not attenuated when the animals were given both preexposure to the US and the conditioning procedure in a novel context but received the test phase in a different context (the home cages). Experiment 2 showed that, after degrading the injection cues-illness association by interpolating saline injections between LiCl preexposures, the US-preexposure effect was attenuated when there was a context shift between preexposure and conditioning, but that the context shift was without effect when it occurred between conditioning and test.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies on preclinical models have shown that giving supplemental choline during the embryonic period improves performance on memory tasks during adulthood. However, the effects of an early intervention on the development of cognitive functions in the immature brain have not been widely studied. In addition, it has been well established that short-term memory in rats emerges at an earlier stage than long-term memory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile human and animal perceptual learning (PL) had sometimes yielded similar results, there is evidence of some striking discrepancies. It has been proposed that such differences reflect the existence of multiple species-specific mechanisms, especially regarding to humans. However, it is also possible that those discrepancies are caused by procedural differences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSensory-specific satiety (SSS) refers to a decline in pleasantness of eaten foods in comparison to other non-ingested meals. Although SSS is specific to the eaten food, it can also generalize to other meals that share similar properties to the satiated food. It is possible that this phenomenon could become more specific after extensive experience, as repeated exposure to an assortment of similar food could cause perceptual learning (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn two experiments adult rats (aged at least 6 months at the start of the procedure) received a diet enriched with added choline for a period of 10 weeks; control subjects were maintained on a standard diet during this time. All rats then underwent the spontaneous object recognition (SOR) procedure in which they were exposed to a pair of objects and then tested, after a retention interval, to a display with one object changed. Exploration of the changed object indicates retention and use of information acquired during the exposure phase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQ J Exp Psychol (Hove)
December 2018
Research on perceptual learning shows that the way stimuli are presented leads to different outcomes. The intermixed/blocked (I/B) effect is one of these outcomes, and different mechanisms have been proposed to explain it. In human research, it seems that comparison between stimuli is important, and the placement of a distractor between the pre-exposed stimuli interferes with the effect.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn two experiments, rats received exposure to a compound consisting of a solution of salt plus a distinctive flavor (A), followed by an injection of furo-doca to induce a salt need. Experiment 1, established that this procedure successfully generated a preference for flavor A in a subsequent choice test between A and water. Experiment 2 used this within-event learning effect to investigate generalization, testing the rats with both A and a novel flavor (B).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Psychol Anim Learn Cogn
October 2016
Although modeled on procedures used with nonhuman animals, some recent studies of perceptual learning in humans, using complex visual stimuli, differ in that they usually instruct participants to look for differences between the to-be-discriminated stimuli. This could encourage the use of mechanisms not available to animal subjects. To investigate the role of instructions, in 2 experiments, participants were given preexposure to checkerboards that were similar except for the presence of a small distinctive feature on each.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt has been suggested that human perceptual learning could be explained in terms of a better memory encoding of the unique features during intermixed exposure. However, it is possible that a location bias could play a relevant role in explaining previous results of perceptual learning studies using complex visual stimuli. If this were the case, the only relevant feature would be the location, rather than the content, of the unique features.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: It has been previously reported that dietary choline supplementation might affect latent inhibition (LI) using a conditioned suppression procedure in rats. We have assessed the effect of dietary choline on LI of flavor aversion learning.
Method: Adult male Wistar rats received a choline supplemented (5 g/kg), deficient (0 g/kg), or standard (1.
In two experiments, rats received exposure to either a saccharin or quinine solution followed by conditioning with a solution of almond as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and either saccharin or quinine as the unconditioned stimulus (US). In Experiment 1, rats received preexposure and conditioning using saccharin as the US; in Experiment 2 quinine was the US. In both cases the magnitude of the conditioning effect (an enhanced preference for the CS in Experiment 1; a reduced preference in Experiment 2) was reduced by preexposure to the US.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCholine is an essential nutrient required for early development. Previous studies have shown that prenatal choline availability influences adult memory abilities depending on the medial temporal lobe integrity. The relevance of prenatal choline availability on object recognition memory was assessed in adult Wistar rats.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn two experiments adult rats were maintained on a diet enriched with added choline for 12 weeks prior to behavioral testing; control rats remained on the standard diet during this time. In Experiment 1 all rats received training in the Hall-Pearce negative transfer paradigm in which prior training with a conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with a small reinforcer retards further learning when the size of the reinforcer is increased. This effect, which has been attributed to a loss of associability by the CS, was obtained in control subjects but not in those given the supplement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have demonstrated that choline is an essential nutrient during prenatal and early postnatal developmental periods. Thus, the availability of choline during these periods produces some beneficial effects on hippocampal-dependent learning and memory in rats. However, research on the effect of adult choline supplementation on learning and memory abilities is scarce.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe attenuation of an LiCl-induced conditioned taste aversion (CTA) by LiCl preexposure is mediated primarily by associative blocking via injection-related cues. Given that preexposure to morphine attenuates morphine-induced CTAs, it was of interest to determine whether injection cues also mediate this effect. Certain morphine-induced behaviors such as analgesic tolerance are controlled associatively, via injection-related cues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn two experiments, rats received preexposure consisting of six intraperitoneal injections of lithium chloride (LiCl). This treatment reduced the magnitude of the unconditioned response (UR; suppressed consumption of a novel flavor) evoked by an additional injection (Experiment 1) or by oral consumption (Experiment 2) of LiCl. In both experiments, preexposure also attenuated the acquisition of a conditioned aversion with an LiCl injection as the unconditioned stimulus (US) but had no effect on the aversion produced when the US was oral consumption of LiCl (Experiment 2).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn one experiment half of the animals were trained to avoid a signaled footshock by jumping (30 or 160 trials), whereas the rest of the animals received the same events as yoked. For all of them the termination of the warning signal and of the shock was followed by a safety signal. Several tests were conducted to assess the ability of the stimuli to suppress licking by measuring the latency in completing 25 consecutive licks in the presence of the stimuli.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process
January 2004
In 2 experiments, rats received flavor-aversion conditioning in which the unconditioned stimulus (US) was an orally consumed solution of lithium chloride (LiCl). The resulting aversion was not attenuated by giving preexposure to injections of LiCl, although such preexposure did attenuate aversions established using injected LiCl as the US (Experiment 1). This outcome suggests that blocking by injection-related cues is responsible for the US-preexposure effect observed in this situation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo experiments, using rats as subjects, examined the role of contextual cues in producing the unconditioned stimulus (US) pre-exposure effect in conditioned taste aversion. Experiment 1 showed a significant US pre-exposure effect, when the pre-exposure was conducted in a familiar context, and that a change of context between the pre-exposure and conditioning phases did not attenuate this effect. Experiment 2 demonstrated that extinction of injection-related cues after the pre-exposure stage attenuated the US pre-exposure effect, when the pre-exposure was conducted in either a familiar or a novel context.
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