Target: To evaluate the evolution of falls with the implemented measures to improve the attention of patients at risk and to reduce the number of falls. To know the characteristics of patients who have suffered fall-related injuries.
Method: All the falls registered between 2008 and 2013 have been analyzed to determine the evolution of these and to describe the implemented measures through the electronic clinical history at University Hospital of Fuenlabrada.
Objective: The objective of this article was to determine the most suitable cutoff point (CP) for the Braden Scale and Norton Modified Scale by INSALUD Scale (Norton-MI) in an acute care hospital.
Design: The authors have designed a prospective, descriptive study of patients from their hospital. From December 2008 to March 2009, a nurse collected and recorded adult patient data daily, including the appearance of pressure ulcers.
Objective: To assess the impact of codification of nursing activities and procedures on a hospital's weighting and finance.
Methods: Codification was performed in two inpatient settings using discharge data. Nurses' procedures and patient conditions falling within nurses' responsibilities were codified.