Objective: Analyze the results of knowledge production from a graduate program for master's degree in nursing.
Method: This is a qualitative retrospective documentary study. Data were collected from the university library repository and the program website.
Objective: to analyze the development of the labor market in Gerontological Nursing in Brazil, between 1970 and 1996.
Method: a descriptive-qualitative study with a historical approach that uses the oral history of 14 research nurses working in the historical period, based on the ideas of Eliot Freidson.
Results: Nursing overcame barriers to change the care practices to elderly people in the period described, considering the lack of a specific labor market; the need for theoretical knowledge for Gerontology care; the scarcity of research and researchers in the field; the emergence of caregivers for elderly people; the construction of multidisciplinarity and the transformation of institutions for a long-term stay.