Publications by authors named "Isaac Elon Warnow"

Objectives: In line with the child survival and gender equality targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 and 5, we aimed to: (1) estimate the age and sex-specific mortality trends in child-related SDG indicators (ie, neonatal mortality rate (NMR) and under-five mortality rate (U5MR)) over the 1960s-2017 period, and (2) estimate the expected annual reduction rates needed to achieve the SDG-3 targets by projecting rates from 2018 to 2030.

Design: Group method of data handling-type artificial neural network (GMDH-type ANN) time series.

Methods: This study used an artificial intelligence time series (GMDH-type ANN) to forecast age-specific childhood mortality rates (neonatal and under-five) and sex-specific U5MR from 2018 to 2030.

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Citrobacter infection is an uncommon but serious, difficult to treat infection associated with high mortality. Accumulation of pus or fluid in a pericardial space causes restriction of cardiac filling and consequent decrease in cardiac output. We herein report , a rare infectious cause of this uncommon disorder.

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Background: Child survival is a major concern in Nigeria, as it contributes 13% of the global under-five mortalities. Although studies have examined the determinants of under-five mortality in Nigeria, the comparative roles of social determinants of health at the different stages of early childhood development have not been concurrently investigated. This study, therefore, aimed to identify the social determinants of age-specific childhood (0-59 months) mortalities, which are disaggregated into neonatal mortality (0-27 days), post-neonatal mortality (1-11 months) and child mortality (12-59 months), and estimate the within-and between-community variations of mortality among under-five children in Nigeria.

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