Objective: To describe the successful restoration of superior eyelid function in a horse following traumatic avulsion using an advancement flap blepharoplasty and subdermal hyaluronic acid filler.
Animal Studied: A 21-year-old American Paint Horse stallion who was attacked by a fellow stallion resulting in numerous traumatic injuries including avulsion of approximately 75% of the left superior eyelid.
Procedures: With standing sedation and locoregional anesthesia, the superior eyelid wound was debrided and an advancement flap blepharoplasty (H-plasty) and temporary tarsorrhaphy were performed.
Objective: To compare basal and reflex tear osmolarity in healthy dogs and to evaluate for correlation among tear film osmolarity, tear production, and tear fern pattern.
Animals Studied: The population consisted of 22 healthy adult dogs.
Procedures: Reflex tear osmolarity was measured in both eyes using the I-PEN VET osmometer 30 minutes following the Schirmer tear test (STT-1) measurement.