Background: Certain phthalates can impair Leydig cell distribution and steroidogenesis in the fetal rat in utero, but it is unknown whether similar effects might occur in the human.
Objectives: Our aim in this study was to investigate the effects of di(n-butyl) phthalate (DBP), or its metabolite monobutyl phthalate (MBP), on testosterone production and Leydig cell aggregation (LCA) in fetal testis explants from the rat and human, and to compare the results with in vivo findings for DBP-exposed rats. We also wanted to determine if DBP/MBP affects testosterone production in vivo in the neonatal male marmoset.
Background: This marmoset study addresses concerns about feeding human male infants with soy formula milk (SFM).
Methods: From age 4 to 5 days, seven male co-twin sets were fed standard formula milk (SMA) or SFM for 5-6 weeks; blood samples were subsequently collected at 10-week intervals. Testes from co-twins killed at 120-138 weeks were fixed for cell counts.
Background: This study has addressed concerns about possible effects of feeding human infants soy formula milk (SFM).
Methods: This is a feeding study in marmosets, using a mainly co-twin design. From 4-5 until 35-45 days of age, co-twin males were fed by hand with either standard (cow) formula milk (SMA = controls) or with SFM for approximately 8 h each day (2 h at weekends) and intake related to bodyweight.