Publications by authors named "Irene Arnold-Ammer"

Brain development is orchestrated by both innate and experience-dependent mechanisms, but their relative contributions are difficult to disentangle. Here we asked if and how central visual areas are altered in a vertebrate brain depleted of any and all signals from retinal ganglion cells throughout development. We transcriptionally profiled neurons in pretectum, thalamus and other retinorecipient areas of larval zebrafish and searched for changes in lakritz mutants that lack all retinal connections.

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Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) form an array of feature detectors, which convey visual information to central brain regions. Characterizing RGC diversity is required to understand the logic of the underlying functional segregation. Using single-cell transcriptomics, we systematically classified RGCs in adult and larval zebrafish, thereby identifying marker genes for >30 mature types and several developmental intermediates.

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Genetic access to small, reproducible sets of neurons is key to an understanding of the functional wiring of the brain. Here we report the generation of a new Gal4- and Cre-driver resource for zebrafish neurobiology. Candidate genes, including cell type-specific transcription factors, neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes and neuropeptides, were selected according to their expression patterns in small and unique subsets of neurons from diverse brain regions.

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