Publications by authors named "Irazola L"

To ensure the continued advancement of the medical physics profession, the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) has designed a mentorship programme. This programme aims to support Early Career Medical Physicists by providing them with the guidance needed for both professional and personal development to meet the continually evolving demands of the medical physics field within their working environments. The EFOMP mentorship programme is an important step forward in supporting the next generation of medical physicists.

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The aim was to study the performance of the U-SPECT/CT E-class system for preclinical imaging, to later demonstrate the viability of simultaneous multi-animal and multi-isotope imaging with reliable quantitative accuracy. The performance of the SPECT was evaluated for two collimators dedicated for mouse (UHS-M) and rat imaging (UHR-RM) in terms of sensitivity, energy resolution, uniformity and spatial resolution. Point sources, hot‑rod and uniform phantoms were scanned, and additional tests were carried out to evaluate singular settings such as simultaneous multi-isotope acquisition and imaging with a multi-bed system.

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The aim of this work is to present a reproducible methodology for the evaluation of total equivalent doses in organs during proton therapy facilities. The methodology is based on measuring the dose equivalent in representative locations inside an anthropomorphic phantom where photon and neutron dosimeters were inserted. The Monte Carlo simulation was needed for obtaining neutron energy distribution inside the phantom.

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Purpose: To investigate within phantoms the minimum CT dose allowed for accurate attenuation correction of PET data and to quantify the effective dose reduction when a CT for this purpose is incorporated in the clinical setting.

Methods: The NEMA image quality phantom was scanned within a large parallelepiped container. Twenty-one different CT images were acquired to correct attenuation of PET raw data.

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Purpose: To perform a systematic and thorough assessment, using the Uncomplicated and Cancer-Free Control Probability (UCFCP) function, of a broad range of photon prostate cancer RT treatments, on the same scenario (a unique pelvic CT set). UCFCP considers, together with the probabilities of local tumour control (TCP) and deterministic (late) sequelae (NTCP), the second primary cancer risk (SPCR) due to photon and neutron peripheral doses.

Methods And Materials: Thirty-six radiotherapy plans were produced for the same CT.

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There is a growing interest in the combined use of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) with Flattening Filter Free (FFF) due to the high local control rates and reduced treatment times, compared to conventionally fractionated treatments. It has been suggested that they may also provide a better radiation protection to radiotherapy patients as a consequence of the expected decrease in peripheral doses. This work aims to determine this reduction in unattended out-of-field regions, where no CT information is available but an important percentage of second primary cancers occur.

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The aim of this work was to estimate peripheral neutron and photon doses associated with the conventional 3D conformal radiotherapy techniques in comparison to modern ones such as Intensity modulated radiation therapy and volumetric modulated arc therapy. Assessment in terms of second cancer incidence ought to peripheral doses was also considered. For that, a dosimetric methodology proposed by the authors has been applied beyond the region where there is no CT information and, thus, treatment planning systems do not calculate and where, nonetheless, about one third of second primary cancers occurs.

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Purpose: Neutron peripheral contamination in high-energy radiotherapy implies an increase of secondary radiation-induced cancer risk. Although peripheral neutron dose (PND) has been evaluated in organs, few studies have been performed regarding patient size. This work aims to improve an existing methodology for adult patient PND estimations to generalize it to young and children, for its implementation in treatment planning systems (TPS).

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One of the major causes of secondary malignancies after radiotherapy treatments are peripheral doses, known to increase for some newer techniques (such as IMRT or VMAT). For accelerators operating above 10MV, neutrons can represent important contribution to peripheral doses. This neutron contamination can be measured using different passive or active techniques, available in the literature.

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The increasing interest of the medical community to radioinduced second malignancies due to photoneutrons in patients undergoing high-energy radiotherapy, has stimulated in recent years the study of peripheral doses, including the development of some dedicated active detectors. Although these devices are designed to respond to neutrons only, their parasitic photon response is usually not identically zero and anisotropic. The impact of these facts on measurement accuracy can be important, especially in points close to the photon field-edge.

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Active thermal neutron detectors are used in a wide range of measuring devices in medicine, industry and research. For many applications, the long-term stability of these devices is crucial, so that very well controlled neutron fields are needed to perform calibrations and repeatability tests. A way to achieve such reference neutron fields, relying on a 3 MV Tandem Pelletron accelerator available at the CNA (Seville, Spain), is reported here.

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Purpose: Peripheral dose in radiotherapy treatments represents a potential source of secondary neoplasic processes. As in the last few years, there has been a fast-growing concern on neutron collateral effects, this work focuses on this component. A previous established methodology to estimate peripheral neutron equivalent doses relied on passive (TLD, CR39) neutron detectors exposed in-phantom, in parallel to an active [static random access memory (SRAMnd)] thermal neutron detector exposed ex-phantom.

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