Publications by authors named "Ionescu E"

: This is a prospective study. Atrophic vulvovaginitis (VVA), a prevalent condition resulting from estrogen deficiency after the menopause, is characterized by symptoms such as vaginal dryness, itching, burning, dyspareunia, and urinary discomfort. Standard treatment involves systemic estrogen replacement therapy (HRT) and localized estrogen treatments, such as estriol.

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: Objective: To discuss therapeutic outcomes in patients with symptomatic near-narrow internal auditory canal (NNIAC). : We retrospectively analyzed the records of 26 symptomatic patients diagnosed with NNIAC, who had been treated with anti-epileptic drugs. In addition to clinical and radiological data, we recorded I-III latencies of auditory brainstem responses prior to and after medical therapy.

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Sapropelic muds have been used for centuries to treat various illnesses, but their effects and mechanisms are still under research. In this study the effects of Techirghiol sapropelic mud on tissue oxygenation in elderly patients diagnosed with neuromuscular disorders were investigated using spatial and spectral information provided by hyperspectral imaging technique. A group of 38 elderly patients with neuromuscular disorders for which they received mud therapy was studied.

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Background And Aims: Postoperative recurrence in Crohn's disease remains a significant clinical challenge, with high recurrence rates despite advancements in medical therapy. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of various treatments for managing postoperative recurrence following ileocolonic resection in Crohn's disease.

Methods: A comprehensive search of PubMed, Cochrane, and Scopus databases was performed to identify studies reporting on the therapeutic management of postoperative recurrence in Crohn's disease.

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In the present work, the recovery of phosphorus and fluorine from process water generated in a water based direct physical recycling process of Li-ion batteries has been studied. The recycling process considered in this work produces significant amounts of process water, which is generated during the opening of the batteries by means of electro-hydraulic fragmentation and the subsequent sorting of the components in aqueous solution. This process produces between 21.

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The global prevalence of atopic diseases, including food allergy, is increasing and correlates with shifts in the commensal microbiota triggered by modern lifestyle factors. Current research focuses on the immunological mechanisms and microbial cues that regulate mucosal immunity and prevent allergic responses to food. We review the identification and characterization of novel antigen-presenting cell subsets that may be critical for the establishment and maintenance of tolerance to both food and intestinal bacteria.

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(1) Periodontal disease (PD) is a globally prevalent chronic inflammatory condition, exacerbated by the dysbiosis of the oral microbiota. This study aims to evaluate the bacterial load of specific periodontopathogenic bacteria in patients with malocclusions (MAL) compared to those without. (2) Methods: Conducted at the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, this pilot study involved two groups: patients with MAL and PD, and patients with PD but without MAL.

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The escalating issue of plastic waste generation has prompted the search for an effective solution to address these challenges. In this study, we present a novel plasma-enabled strategy for the rapid breakdown of various types of plastic wastes, including mixtures, into high-value carbon nanomaterials and hydrogen. The H yield and selectivity achieved through the implemented catalyst-free plasma-enabled strategy are 14.

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The immune system is imprinted by gut microbes in early life. In this issue of Immunity, Perdijk et al. show that dysregulation of airway epithelial function by neonatal antibiotic treatment can be reversed by supplementation with a depleted microbial metabolite.

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Depletion of beneficial microbes by modern lifestyle factors correlates with the rising prevalence of food allergies. Re-introduction of allergy-protective bacteria may be an effective treatment strategy. We characterized the fecal microbiota of healthy and food-allergic infants and found that the anaerobe Anaerostipes caccae (A.

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Ustekinumab (UST), a biologic agent targeting interleukin-12 and interleukin-23, is widely used in the management of psoriasis and Crohn's disease. Despite its efficacy, there have been instances of paradoxical psoriasis induction or exacerbation in some patients during UST therapy. This paper offers a comprehensive review of reported cases of UST-induced paradoxical psoriasis, including a case from our clinic.

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Introduction: Vestibular Paroxysmia (VP) refers to short attacks of vertigo, spontaneous or triggered by head movements, and implies the presence of a compressive vascular loop in contact with the cochleovestibular nerve (CVN). Classically, a narrowed internal auditory canal (IAC) corresponds to a diameter of less than 2 mm on CT, usually associated with a hypoplastic CVN on MRI. The aim of this study was to discuss a distinct clinical entity mimicking VP in relation to a "near"-narrowed IAC (NNIAC) and to propose radiological criteria for its diagnosis.

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The Baker cyst (BC), also known as the popliteal cyst or parameniscal cyst, is a fluid-filled sac that normally develops in the back of the knee, between the semimembranosus and medial head of the gastrocnemius. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy (10 days of treatment) that associates intermittent vacuum therapy (IVT) on the lower limbs in the treatment of the BC, respectively, in its size reduction. Sixty-five patients with knee osteoarthritis using Kellgren-Lawrence criteria and the presence of BC (ultrasonography evaluation), were divided into the Control and Vacuum groups.

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Background: Children with vestibular hypofunction (VH) may have gaze instability, balance disorders, and delayed postural-motor development. Gaze stabilization exercises (GSE) are designed to improve dynamic visual acuity (DVA). We aimed to assess the acceptability of a serious game prototype called Kid Gaze Rehab (KGR) designed to implement GSE training in children with VH, combined with traditional vestibular rehabilitation.

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The increasing prevalence of food allergies has been linked to reduced commensal microbial diversity. In this article, we describe two features of allergy-protective Clostridia that contribute to their beneficial effects. Some Clostridial taxa bear flagella (a ligand for TLR5) and produce indole (a ligand for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor [AhR]).

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This review aims to draw attention to the multiple ipsilateral otic capsule dehiscences (OCDs), which may cause therapeutic failure in operated patients. A series of six severely disabled patients with symptoms and signs consistent with a superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) diagnosis, confirmed by a high-resolution CT scan, is presented here. Five of the patients underwent surgery, and in four of the cases, the postoperative results were poor and/or disappointing.

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This systematic review investigates the potential health and wellness benefits of natural calcium-rich mineral waters. It emphasizes the importance of dietary calcium sourced from natural mineral waters in promoting bone health, maintaining cardiovascular function, aiding in weight management, and enhancing overall well-being. The review process involved the comprehensive analysis of peer-reviewed articles, clinical trials, and experimental studies published within the last decade.

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The pathogenesis of sarcopenia is multifactorial, including changes in the endocrine system. Easy-to-perform screening tests can guide the diagnosis of sarcopenia and the rehabilitation therapeutic conduct, which can act on many physiopathological links. This study was conducted over a period of 5 months, from April to August 2022, and included 84 patients hospitalized for a period of 10 days in the Balneal and Rehabilitation Sanatorium Techirghiol for complex physiotherapy, which included balneotherapy.

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Polymer-derived processing of ceramics (PDC) is an efficient technique to prepare porous nanocomposites with precise control over their phase composition and in relation to the Si-based ceramic matrix containing free carbon. The microstructure of these nanocomposites can be fine-tuned at the molecular scale for obtaining necessary properties by tailoring the chemical configuration of the preceramic polymer. In the present work, vanadium-based nanocomposites were synthesized as oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts with the objective of elucidating the effect of microstructure changes on catalytic efficiency.

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The phenotypic variety of Angle Class III malocclusion requires in-depth investigation of the skeletal changes from a diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic perspective alike. The aim of our study was to evaluate the particularities of vertical cephalometric parameters of patients with Class III malocclusions, according to gender and age group. Eight parameters were analyzed on lateral cephalograms of patients with Class III malocclusions and, comparatively, on lateral cephalograms of a group with Class I malocclusions.

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Background And Aims: The early detection of dental crowding and its potential for aggravation is important during the clinical examination of mixed dentition patients, and these desiderates can be addressed by including among the clinically assessed items a series of accessible morphological characteristics of teeth and dental arches. The present study investigates possible correlations between morphological features of permanent teeth, widths of dental arches, and the onset of dental crowding during mixed dentition.

Methods: A selected group of 100 class I dental casts on mixed dentition was analyzed.

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Introduction: Multiple cytokines have been studied for their role in the propagation of the inflammatory process related to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), but the role of interleukin-4 remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of two gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in disease susceptibility and phenotypic expression.

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