Background: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a severe malabsorption caused by bowel loss. Congenital intestinal anomalies (CIA) detectable by prenatal ultrasound as jejunoileal atresia, meconium peritonitis, complicated meconium ileus, and fetal volvulus can be responsible for SBS.
Aims: This study aims to investigate either frequency of SBS or the morbidity in CIA population during the first admission.
Objective: To evaluate polyhydramnios as a sign of extreme disproportion of atretic segments in small bowel atresia (SBA).
Methods: Twenty-eight patients with a prenatal diagnosis (PD) of SBA undergoing neonatal surgical treatment were reviewed retrospectively. Parameters recorded were gestational age, birth weight, surgical procedure, rate of complications, parenteral nutrition (PN) days and length of stay (LOS).