Publications by authors named "Inmaculada Ferreros"

Objective: To compare the results of two ovarian stimulation protocols for IVF in patients at risk of poor ovarian response: corifollitropin alfa followed by hp-hMG versus daily administration of hp-hMG. We intended to demonstrate the non-inferiority of the protocol with corifollitropin alfa.

Study Design: This is a prospective, randomized, non-inferiority, controlled study.

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INTRODUCTION. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children and adolescents but there are hardly any studies on the incidence and temporal evolution. AIM.

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Objectives: To explore the utility of combining health information systems from the Valencia Health Agency to characterize folate supplementation in pregnant women in the autonomous region of Valencia (Spain).

Methods: The cohort comprised women who gave birth during 2009 in hospitals within the Valencian Health Agency. These women were retrospectively followed-up using ABUCASIS electronic medical records and the GAIA electronic prescription system to identify folate consumption in the 3 months before and after conception.

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Objectives: To analyse the effect of educational level on the progression from HIV seroconversion to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) requirement, HAART initiation, AIDS and death from any cause at different periods of the HIV epidemic in Spain.

Methods: Open, prospective, multicentre cohort of HIV seroconverters set up in 1983. The risk of progression was calculated by the multiple decrements method.

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Background: A study to evaluate the adherence to and appropriateness of anti-osteoporotic treatments in a cohort of men and women aged 50 and over participating in the ESOSVAL-R study.

Design: An observational, longitudinal, prospective cohort study;

Study Subjects: Men and women aged 50 and over living in the Valencia Region (Spain) who initiated treatment between June 15, 2009, and June 15, 2011, in primary healthcare centers with electronic medical records;

Data Sources: The main data source will be electronic medical records. Measurement of results: Degree of compliance with and persistence of anti-osteoporotic treatments, and the proportion of patients with appropriate anti-osteoporotic treatment in accordance with the most relevant and high impact recommendations with clearly defined treatment algorithms in Spain (the Spanish National Health System guide (2010), the General Practitioners' Society (2007) and the General Directorate for Pharmacy and Medical Products of Madrid (2007)), and with the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF, 2010), and the International Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines (IOF, 2008);

Analysis: 1.

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Introduction: Several observational studies support the protective effect of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) on time to first AIDS-defining event, but the effect on multiple AIDS defining illnesses remains unclear.The aim of this study is to analyse whether the protective effect of cART persists beyond the first AIDS-defining illness.

Material And Methods: A total of 1938 subjects from GEMES seroconverter cohort have been included.

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Background: Today, while there are effective drugs that reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture, yet there are no broadly accepted criteria that can be used to estimate risks and decide who should receive treatment. One of the actual priorities of clinical research is to develop a set of simple and readily-available clinical data that can be used in routine clinical practice to identify patients at high risk of bone fracture, and to establish thresholds for therapeutic interventions. Such a tool would have high impact on healthcare policies.

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Objective: To analyze whether the effectiveness of combined antiretroviral therapy in delaying progression to AIDS and death is affected by social inequities in a cohort of HIV-positive injecting drug users (IDUs).

Methods: A cohort of 3,122 HIV-positive IDUs identified in the AIDS Information and Prevention Centers of the autonomous region of Valencia was analyzed, with further follow-up in 1,876. Progression to AIDS and death after seroconversion were calculated by Kaplan-Meier estimation according to sociodemographic variables (age, sex, education, marital status, length of addiction).

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Aims: To monitor changes in cause-specific mortality before and after 1997 according to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) serological status in a cohort of injecting drug users (IDUs) observed for a 17-year period (1987--2004).

Design: Community-based prospective cohort study of IDUs recruited in three acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS) prevention centres (1987--96) and followed-up until to 2004.

Methods: We obtained annual overall mortality rates and mortality rates by specific causes according to HIV status.

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Objective: To analyse incidence and determinants of tuberculosis in HIV-seroconverters before and after the introduction of HAART.

Methods: Data from a multicenter cohort study of 2238 HIV-seroconverters between the 1980s and 2004 were analysed and censored by December 2004. Calendar year at risk intervals were pre-1992, 1992-1996 and 1997-2004.

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Objectives: Standard methods to evaluate population effectiveness of treatments in observational studies have important limitations to appropriately adjust for time-dependent confounders. In this paper, we describe a recently developed methodological approach, marginal structural models (MSM), and use it to estimate the effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on AIDS or death incidence.

Subjects And Methods: We analyzed all subjects followed after 1997 as part of the GEMES project (comprised by several cohorts of HIV seroconverters in Spain) and who had not used HAART before the start of follow-up.

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Objective: To study trends in progression to AIDS, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality (AIDS-related, liver disease, and hemorrhagic complications) over calendar periods with different exposure to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in a cohort of hemophiliacs in Spain, taking into account the competing risks of the causes of death.

Methods: Multicenter cohort of HIV-infected hemophiliacs. HIV seroconversion was estimated using mathematic techniques for interval-censored data from 1979 through 1985.

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Objective: To assess the impact of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection on long-term mortality in injecting drug users (IDU).

Design: Community-based prospective cohort study.

Methods: Mortality data from follow-up in clinical sites and the Mortality Registry by December 2002 were collected for 3247 IDU who attended three centres for voluntary counselling and testing for HIV/AIDS, HCV and hepatitis B virus (HBV) in 1990-1996.

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Background: Although the consensus is that gender does not influence HIV progression, its relevance may depend on the setting.

Aim: To study gender differences in HIV progression to AIDS and death from 1986 to 2001 in a cohort of injecting drug user (IDU) seroconverters in Spain.

Methods: Risk of AIDS and death in persons infected for the same length of time were compared through Kaplan-Meier, allowing for late entry, and Cox regression adjusting for gender, age, and calendar period (before 1992, 1992-1995, 1996-1998, 1999-2001) fitted as time dependent covariates.

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Background: In cohort or longitudinal studies, subjects are recruited some time after the beginning of the problem, as in HIV infection. The aim of this paper is to show several imputation techniques of the beginning of follow up and evaluate its use in the framework of a study of HIV progression.

Methods: Three subcohorts of HIV+ subjects recruited in Valencia and Castellón CIPS up to 1996 are available.

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