Publications by authors named "Inma Navas Vinagre"

Unlabelled: Chorea can have a wide variety of causes including neurodegenerative, pharmacological, structural, metabolic, infectious, immunologic and paraneoplastic processes. We reviewed the clinical records of patients with apparently sporadic choreic movements and no relevant family history, who presented to our neurology department (Hospital Fundación Jimenez Diaz) between 1991 and 2022. We detected 38 cases of apparent sporadic chorea (ASC); Our analysis revealed 5 cases of genetic chorea (including 3 cases with Huntington's disease) while 6 cases were autoimmune/hematological; 6 drug-related chorea, 5 metabolic-vascular, 5 due to miscellaneous conditions and 4 were of mixed etiology.

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