Publications by authors named "Inacio A"

Revealing the connectivity of functionally identified individual neurons is necessary to understand how activity patterns emerge and support behaviour. Yet the brain-wide presynaptic wiring rules that lay the foundation for the functional selectivity of individual neurons remain largely unexplored. Cortical neurons, even in primary sensory cortex, are heterogeneous in their selectivity, not only to sensory stimuli but also to multiple aspects of behaviour.

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Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of vision impairment in preterm infants, with its pathogenesis linked to oxygen exposure. Red blood cell (RBC) transfusions, commonly performed in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), reduce fetal hemoglobin (HbF) fraction, altering oxygen dynamics and potentially contributing to ROP. We aimed to investigate the relationship between RBC transfusions, HbF percentage, and ROP, evaluating HbF as a potential predictive biomarker.

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C3 glomerulonephritis (C3GN) is rare. It is a proliferative glomerulonephritis resulting from glomerular deposition of complement factors due to dysregulation of the alternative pathway of complement. The association between monoclonal protein production and development of C3GN was described.

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Article Synopsis
  • - Chronic stress negatively impacts cognitive and emotional behavior, heightening the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders, but the exact molecular mechanisms are unclear.
  • - Researchers found that chronic stress leads to increased levels of miR-186-5p, which disrupts neuronal and synaptic function, particularly affecting glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic transmission in mice.
  • - The study indicates that targeting miR-186-5p could provide a therapeutic strategy to counteract the harmful effects of chronic stress by restoring balance in synaptic activity.
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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a disease that primarily affects males and causes a gradual loss of muscle strength. This results in a deterioration of motor skills and functional mobility, which can impact the performance of various occupations. Individuals with DMD often rely heavily on caregivers to assist with daily activities, which can lead to caregiver burden.

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Introduction: Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome characterized by cardinal symptoms that may be accompanied by signs. It results from structural and/or functional abnormalities of the heart leading to elevated intracardiac pressures and/or inadequate cardiac output at rest and/or during exercise. The prevalence of iron deficiency and anemia justifies the current guidelines recommendation of screening.

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Introduction: Division of the suspensory ligament of the penis has emerged as a popular surgical approach for penile lengthening, but accurate preoperative predictions of lengthening outcomes remain elusive. This study aimed to identify readily measurable anatomical parameters associated with post-ligamentolysis penile length gain, facilitating more reliable preoperative estimations.

Methods: An experimental cross-sectional study was performed on 16 adult cadavers.

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Objective: The link between the systemic vasculature system and tumor biology is here investigated by studying the contribution of CβS (844ins68), MTHFR (677C > T), NOS3 (4a/4b), CYBA (C242T), and ACE1 (I/D) genes to leiomyoma onset, uterus and leiomyoma volumes.

Methods: DNA samples from 130 women with leiomyomas and 527 from healthy women were genotyped by PCR or PCR-RFLP. Qui-square (χ2) or Fisher's exact test were used to test associations.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a necessary but not sufficient factor for the development of invasive cervical cancer (ICC) and high-grade intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). Oxidative stress is known to play a crucial role in HPV infection and carcinogenesis. In this study, we comprehensively investigate the modulation of HPV infection, HSIL and ICC, and ICC through an exploration of oxidative stress-related genes: , , , , , , , , , and .

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Background: Vital sign monitoring is considered an essential aspect of clinical care in hospitals. In general wards, this relies on intermittent manual assessments performed by clinical staff at intervals of up to 12 h. In recent years, continuous monitoring of vital signs has been introduced to the clinic, with improved patient outcomes being one of several potential benefits.

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Neuronal connections provide the scaffolding for neuronal function. Revealing the connectivity of functionally identified individual neurons is necessary to understand how activity patterns emerge and support behavior. Yet, the brain-wide presynaptic wiring rules that lay the foundation for the functional selectivity of individual neurons remain largely unexplored.

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Unlabelled: Realising the benefits of systematic secondary fracture prevention requires supporting local sites to get started and becoming effective. We here describe the development, implementation and impact of a regional fracture liaison service (FLS) mentorship programme in Latin America that led to 64 FLS getting started and coverage of 17,205 patients.

Introduction: Despite treatments and service models to deliver effective secondary fracture prevention, most patients are left untreated after a fragility fracture.

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The SNO+ Collaboration reports the first evidence of reactor antineutrinos in a Cherenkov detector. The nearest nuclear reactors are located 240 km away in Ontario, Canada. This analysis uses events with energies lower than in any previous analysis with a large water Cherenkov detector.

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As filter-feeding animals farmed in water bodies exposed to anthropogenic influences, oysters can be both useful bioremediators and high-risk foodstuffs, considering that they are typically consumed raw. Understanding the dynamic of bacterial and viral load in Pacific oyster () tissues, hemolymph, outer shell surface biofilm, and farming water is therefore of great importance for microbiological risk assessment. A one-year survey of oysters collected from a class B production area (Canal de Mira, on the Portuguese western coast) revealed that these bivalve mollusks have a good depurating capacity with regard to bacteria, as spp.

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Transformations for enhancing sparsity in the approximation of color images by 2D atomic decomposition are discussed. The sparsity is firstly considered with respect to the most significant coefficients in the wavelet decomposition of the color image. The discrete cosine transform is singled out as an effective 3 point transformation for this purpose.

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The link between the autonomic nervous system and tumor biology is being unfold. We aim to study the contribution of genes of the adrenergic (ADBR2 - rs1042713, NM_000024.6:c.

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Higher-order sensory thalamic nuclei are densely connected with multiple cortical and subcortical areas, yet the role of these nuclei remains elusive. The posteromedial thalamic nucleus (POm), the higher-order thalamic nucleus in the rodent somatosensory system, is an anatomical hub broadly connected with multiple sensory and motor brain areas yet weakly responds to passive sensory stimulation and whisker movements. To understand the role of POm in sensory perception, we developed a self-initiated, two-alternative forced-choice task in freely moving mice during active sensing.

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Unlabelled: Expected number of fragility fractures in Brazil, raising the healthcare prioritization for interventions that reduce fracture risk. An FLS is dedicated to managing patient with fragility fracture to reduce risk of another fracture. We review FLSs cost-effectiveness and describe key components to effectively set up FLS in Brazil.

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Background: Osteoporotic fractures are common, and their incidence are increasing worldwide. The first fracture doubles the risk of new fractures. Despite that, up to 80% of patients with a fragility fracture are evaluated or treated to reduce the risk of new fractures.

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Urea is a compound widely used as a feed additive for ruminants; however, when used profusely, it can lead animals to intoxication. Another factor that affects the effectiveness of urea is the lack of synchronization between the nitrogen and the availability of carbohydrates, necessary for better development of the ruminal microbiota. In order to circumvent these problems and improve the efficiency in urea use, the present study developed two new nutritional additives (F16 and F17) with different carbohydrate sources.

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Background: Since the emergence of the genus Homo, hominids have occupied a wide variety of environments, facing different selective pressures.

Objectives: The aim this study is to compare genotype frequencies between South-West Europe and Peri-equatorial Africa in genes potentially modulators of blood pressure.

Methods: The analyzed sample consisted of 325 individuals from Portugal and 226 individuals from Africa (48 from Mozambique and 178 from São Tomé and Príncipe).

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Mutations linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, such as intellectual disability (ID), are frequently found in genes that encode for proteins of the excitatory synapse. Transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs) are AMPA receptor auxiliary proteins that regulate crucial aspects of receptor function. Here, we investigate a mutant form of the TARP family member stargazin, described in an ID patient.

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This reflective article presents a theoretical model of behavioural evaluation and intervention for women with urinary incontinence. Nola Pender's health promotion model (HPM) was used as a reference to develop this proposal. Behavioural measures were identified to build the model: constipation control, bladder training, urination position, reduction of irritating drinks, water intake, and pelvic floor muscle training.

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Our hypothesis was that extrusion of urea associated with corn may reduce N solubilization and increase the nutritional quality of this food for ruminants. We aimed to physically and chemically characterize a corn and urea mixture before and after the extrusion process. It was evaluated morphological differences by scanning electron microscopy, nitrogen solubilization, and compound mass loss by thermogravimetry.

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