Purpose: To assess the clinical utility of a simpler method of detecting a complete posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) - visualization of the posterior hyaloid membrane at the slit lamp - which does not require expert dilated fundus examination skills, special instrumentation (fundoscopy lenses), or imaging devices (OCT or B-scan).
Design: Cross-sectional case series PARTICIPANTS: All eligible patients presenting to the retina clinic during the study period were consecutively examined.
Methods: All patients were examined for the presence or absence of a PVD using the posterior hyaloid membrane assessment method, Weiss ring assessment method, and via optical coherence tomography (OCT) performed by three masked graders.
Purpose: To study the biomechanical characteristics (percent stretch, stiffness, and ultimate load) of 2 distal fixation techniques for an active tendon implant used in the reconstruction of flexor tendons.
Methods: We evaluated percent stretch after cyclical loading and at failure, stiffness during load-to-failure, and peak load of 28 bone-prosthesis junctions using cadaveric canine middle phalanges to study 2 fixation techniques: metal cleat and screw versus polyester cords secured with a knot.
Results: The knot constructs displayed greater percent stretch during and following cyclical loading between 2 N and 50 N and at peak load.