Objective: To examine the effects of 30% oral dextrose on biochemical markers of pain, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) degradation, and oxidative stress in preterm neonates experiencing a clinically required heel lance.
Study Design: Utilizing a prospective study design, preterm neonates that met study criteria (n = 169) were randomized to receive either (1) 30% oral dextrose, (2) facilitated tucking, or (3) 30% oral dextrose and facilitated tucking 2 min before heel lance. Plasma markers of ATP degradation (hypoxanthine, uric acid) and oxidative stress (allantoin) were measured before and after the heel lance.
Importance: An aging population experiences an increase in age-related problems, such as presbyphonia. The causes of pathologic presbyphonia are incompletely understood.
Objective: To determine what distinguishes pathologic presbyphonia from presbylaryngis.