Objective: Surgical residents face significant challenges in meeting Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) assessment requirements under the Competence By Design (CBD) framework, potentially impacting their surgical training and readiness for practice. This study seeks to assess the effectiveness of the Surgical Education Checklist (SEC) in increasing the proportion of completed EPA assessments within the Division of General Surgery.
Design: This prospective cohort study implemented the SEC between January 1, 2023, and June 30, 2023.
Importance: Perioperative bleeding is common in general surgery. The POISE-3 (Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation-3) trial demonstrated efficacy of prophylactic tranexamic acid (TXA) compared with placebo in preventing major bleeding without increasing vascular outcomes in noncardiac surgery.
Objective: To determine the safety and efficacy of prophylactic TXA, specifically in general surgery.
Introduction: Burnout is a pressing issue within surgical environments, bearing considerable consequences for both patients and surgeons alike. Given its prevalence and the unique contextual factors within academic surgical departments, it is critical that efforts are dedicated to understanding this issue. Moreover, active involvement of surgeons in these investigations is critical to ensure viability and uptake of potential strategies in their local setting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To evaluate intraoperative factors predicting appendiceal pathology during gynecologic oncology surgery for suspected mucinous ovarian neoplasms.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on 225 patients with mucinous ovarian neoplasms who underwent surgery for an adnexal mass with concurrent appendectomy between 2000 and 2018. Regression analyses were used to evaluate intraoperative factors, such as frozen section of the ovarian mass and surgeon's impression of the appendix in predicting appendiceal pathology.
Background: For patients undergoing rectal cancer surgery, we evaluated whether suboptimal preoperative surgeon evaluation of resection margins is a latent condition factor-a factor that is common, unrecognized, and may increase the risk of certain adverse events, including local tumour recurrence, positive surgical margin, nontherapeutic surgery, and in-hospital mortality.
Methods: In this observational case series of patients who underwent rectal cancer surgery during 2016 in Local Health Integrated Network 4 region of Ontario (population 1.4 million), chart review and a trigger tool were used to identify patients who experienced the adverse events.
Background: With a growing demand for endoscopic services, the role of anesthesiologists in endoscopy units must be reassessed. The aim of this study was to compare patient outcomes in non-anesthesiologist-administered propofol (NAAP) versus anesthesiologist-administered propofol (AAP) during routine endoscopy.
Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science, CENTRAL and the grey literature for studies comparing NAAP and AAP.
Background: Postoperative ileus is a poorly understood multifactorial outcome following colorectal surgery that presents significant clinical challenges and contributes to increased morbidity, length of stay, and healthcare cost. To date, there are few pharmacological interventions that shorten the duration of postoperative ileus.
Objective: This study is the first to evaluate the efficacy of simethicone in treating postoperative ileus symptoms in patients undergoing colorectal surgery.
Objective: Grand rounds offer an excellent opportunity for the evaluation of medical expertise, and other competencies, such as communication and professionalism. The purpose of this study was to develop a tool that would facilitate the provision of formative feedback for grand rounds to improve learning. The resulting CanMEDS-based evaluation tool was piloted in an academic surgical department.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Combined endoscopic-laparoscopic surgery is a novel technique that can be used to avoid bowel resection for complex colon polyps that are not amenable to colonoscopic resection.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and outcomes of combined endoscopic-laparoscopic surgery for complex colonic polyps.
Design: This study is a retrospective review of consecutive combined endoscopic-laparoscopic surgeries.
Introduction: In many jurisdictions geographic and resource constraints are barriers to multidisciplinary cancer conference review of all patients undergoing cancer surgery. We piloted an internet-based collaborative cancer conference (I-CCC) for rectal cancer to overcome these barriers in the LHIN4 region of Ontario (population 1.4 million).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlast Reconstr Surg Glob Open
March 2014
The aim of this study is to describe a novel approach to revise maladaptive soft-tissue contour around an ileostomy. A patient with permanent ileostomy suffered from significant defects in soft-tissue contour due to scarring and wound contraction. He underwent autologous fat grafting to achieve sealing of his stoma appliance and improve cosmesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of laparoscopic techniques in the treatment of colorectal diseases was first described in the early 1990s. Even though its clinical benefits have been well documented, laparoscopic colorectal surgery has been slow to gain adoption in the surgical community, given its technical demands. To help overcome these challenges while preserving the clinical benefits derived from a minimally invasive approach, hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS) was proposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Few potentially curative treatment options exist besides resection for patients with very large (>or=10 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We sought to examine the outcomes and risk factors for recurrence after resection of >or=10 cm HCC.
Methods: Perioperative and long-term outcomes were examined for 189 consecutive patients from 1993 to 2004 who underwent potentially curative resection of HCC >or=10 cm (n = 24; 13%) vs.
Background: Tumor recurrence remains the major cause of death after curative resection for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors for the recurrence of HCC and to examine long-term outcomes after resection.
Methods: From July 1992 to July 2004, 193 consecutive patients who underwent hepatic resection as primary therapy with curative intent for HCC were included in this single-center analysis.