External cervical root resorption may be occasionally mistaken for root caries and vice versa. Radiographical and clinical differential diagnoses of cervical root resorption and root caries are essential for correct treatment planning and a successful treatment outcome. This article reviews the contemporary literature and summarises the prevailing professional consensus pertaining to external cervical root resorption.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis clinical case report demonstrates the use of the Dahl Concept in the management of the repeated dislodgement of a posterior full coverage crown associated with a reduced restorative space. The described technique harnesses the addition of resin composite and a temporarily cemented provisional full coverage crown to create sufficient restorative space for the cementation of a definitive posterior full coverage crown restoration at the six-month review.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article examines the past, present and future of primary care dentistry. It provides a historical background of primary care dentistry and describes stages of its evolution. It further reviews the purpose and mission of contemporary primary care dentistry and outlines a vision for the development of primary care dentistry in the future.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: This paper provides a comprehensive review of the established concepts and newer developments related to computer-assisted implant rehabilitation.
Methods: Two independent researchers searched the English literature published to 31st December 2023 in the PubMed/Medline database for primary and secondary research and related publications on computer-assisted implant planning, computer-assisted implant placement and computer-assisted implant restoration.
Results: A total of 58,923 papers were identified, 198 relevant papers were read in full text and 110 studies were finally included.
Objectives: To systematically assess aspects of teaching of posterior composite restorations (PCRs) in permanent teeth in dental schools.
Study Selection: Quantitative studies reporting on dental schools' teaching regarding the placement of PCRs in permanent teeth. Random-effects meta-analyses and meta-regressions were performed.
Dental therapists have a vital role to play in the provision of dentistry in the UK. This article examines the role of dental therapists in carrying out aesthetic dentistry in the UK dental practice setting. Patient access through collaborative working, especially through a shared care model, referral, and direct access will be discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany "anti-something" medications, which are prescribed by medical doctors for older patients, often for dubious reasons, result in a serious reduction in the quantity and quality of saliva. That drug-induced xerostomia can produce dangerous dental decay, particularly in already compromised dentitions.This article suggests that doctors should undertake a personalised "benefits, risks, alternatives, nothing" (BRAN) analysis including an assessment of the possible dental decay risks, especially before prescribing combinations of "anti-" drugs for marginal conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The aim was to investigate aspects of the teaching of restoration repair as a minimally invasive alternative to replacing defective direct composite restorations in undergraduate curricula teaching programs in Brazilian dental schools.
Methods: A 14-item validated survey questionnaire was mailed to directors/coordinators of operative/restorative dentistry teachers of Brazilian Dental Schools. Data were collected on demographic characteristics of the teachers and institutions, together with questions on the teaching of the repair of defective resin-based composite restorations as part of the school curriculum; the rationale behind the teaching; the nature of the teaching (preclinical and/or clinical); how techniques were taught, indications for repair, operative techniques, materials used, patient acceptability and expected longevity of completed repairs.
Aims: To investigate, using a validated questionnaire, the teaching of removable partial dentures (RPDs) in dental schools of Malaysia.
Materials And Methods: A validated questionnaire to investigating trends in the teaching of RPDs in dental schools in Oceania was emailed (in English version form) to Heads of Restorative/Prosthodontics/course coordinators in the 13 dental schools in Malaysia. Follow-up reminders were sent and participants were given six weeks to complete and return the questionnaire.
COVID-19 has impacted heavily on the delivery of dental services within the UK, particularly in regards to aerosol generating procedures (AGPs). However, it has created an opportunity to reflect on how operative dental procedures, such as the management of dental caries, are undertaken. In light of recent evidence in favour of speed increasing contra-angle handpieces in combination with an electric micromotor to eliminate the generation of aerosols at certain speeds while still allowing the cutting of hard tooth tissue, albeit at a slower rate than the traditional air-turbine, this article explores the evidence for partial caries removal using the electric micromotor system.
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