Objective: The aim: The paper is aimed at creation of the procedure and criteria for determining a health disorder associated with permanent disability as a sign of serious bodily harm.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: To identify the problems faced by forensic medical and judicial practice in determining a health disorder associated with permanent disability, we studied more than 100 criminal proceedings from 2007 to the present time.
Results: Results: Ways to further improvement of the procedure for conducting expert studies on health disorders, associated with persistent loss of general ability to work as a characteristic feature of the bodily harm have been found to avoid errors in forensic medical and judicial practice.
Objective: The aim: The paper is aimed at creation of a procedure for determining the loss of any body organ or its functions, genital mutilation, as the signs of grievous bodily harm, penalty for which is stipulated by the Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as well as establishing the possibilities of legal setting of the concept of "genital mutilation".
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: Over 100 criminal proceedings, involving forensic medical examination, under the Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for the period from 2007 to 19.05.
Objective: Introduction: Among crimes against human health we distinguish serious bodily harms, one of the signs of which is recognized as a mental illness. The aim:The paper was aimed at the development of the procedure for determining the mental disorder of a victim as a sign of a serious bodily harm, as well as the establishing the possibilities of clarifying the legislative formulation of the above norm of the Criminal Code.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: Over 300 criminal proceedings under the Arts.