Global healthcare systems are under tremendous strain due to the increasing prevalence of neurodegenerative disorders. Growing data suggested that overconsumption of high-fat/high-carbohydrates diet (HFHCD) is associated with enhanced incidence of metabolic alterations, neurodegeneration, and cognitive dysfunction. Functional foods have gained prominence in curbing metabolic and neurological deficits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStreptococcus mutans, the causative agent of human dental caries, expresses a cell wall attached Serotype c-specific Carbohydrate (SCC) that is critical for cell viability. SCC consists of a polyrhamnose backbone of →3)α-Rha(1 → 2)α-Rha(1→ repeats with glucose (Glc) side-chains and glycerol phosphate (GroP) decorations. This study reveals that SCC has one predominant and two more minor Glc modifications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: is considered one of the most challenging, drug-resistant, opportunistic pathogens partly due to its ability to synthesize robust biofilms. Biofilm is a mixture of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that encapsulates microbial cells, leading to immune evasion, antibiotic resistance, and thus higher risk of infection. In the cystic fibrosis lung environment, undergoes a mucoid transition, defined by overproduction of the exopolysaccharide alginate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genome has a gene cluster for the synthesis of galactosaminogalactan (GAG). The gene cluster includes the following: (1) UDP-glucose-4-epimerase to convert UDP-glucose and UDP--acetylglucosamine to UDP-galactose and UDP--acetylgalactosamine (NCU05133), (2) GAG synthase for the synthesis of an acetylated GAG (NCU05132), (3) GAG deacetylase (/NCW-1/NCU05137), (4) GH135-1, a GAG hydrolase with specificity for -acetylgalactosamine-containing GAG (NCU05135), and (5) GH114-1, a galactosaminidase with specificity for galactosamine-containing GAG (NCU05136). The deacetylase was previously shown to be a major cell wall glycoprotein and given the name of NCW-1 (non-GPI anchored cell wall protein-1).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) is a structurally complex and conserved domain of the pectin present in the primary cell walls of vascular plants. Borate cross-linking of RG-II is required for plants to grow and develop normally. Mutations that alter RG-II structure also affect cross-linking and are lethal or severely impair growth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Whole genome sequencing has revealed that the genome of possesses an uncharacterized 5-gene operon (SAOUHSC_00088-00092 in strain 8325 genome) that encodes factors with functions related to polysaccharide biosynthesis and export, indicating the existence of a new extracellular polysaccharide species. We designate this locus as for staphylococcal surface carbohydrate. We found that the genes were weakly expressed and highly repressed by the global regulator MgrA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStrawberries are a nutrient dense food rich in vitamins, minerals, non-nutrient antioxidant phenolics, and fibers. Strawberry fiber bioactive structures are not well characterized and limited information is available about the interaction between strawberry fiber and phenolics. Therefore, we analyzed commercial strawberry pomace in order to provide a detailed carbohydrate structural characterization, and to associate structures with functions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent practices for structural analysis of extremely large-molecular-weight polysaccharides via solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy incorporate partial depolymerization protocols that enable polysaccharide solubilization in suitable solvents. Non-specific depolymerization techniques utilized for glycosidic bond cleavage, such as chemical degradation or ultrasonication, potentially generate structural fragments that can complicate complete and accurate characterization of polysaccharide structures. Utilization of appropriate enzymes for polysaccharide degradation, on the other hand, requires prior structural knowledge and optimal enzyme activity conditions that are not available to an analyst working with novel or unknown compounds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is well established that exopolysaccharide (EPS) is an integral structural component of bacterial biofilms necessary for assembly and maintenance of the three-dimensional architecture of the biofilm. However, the process and role of EPS turnover within a developing biofilm is not fully understood. Here, we demonstrated that uses a self-produced endoglucanase to enzymatically process its own EPS to modulate EPS polymer length.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGlycosyl composition and linkage analyses are important first steps toward understanding the structural diversity and biological importance of polysaccharides. Failure to fully solubilize samples prior to analysis results in the generation of incomplete and poor-quality composition and linkage data by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Acidic polysaccharides also do not give accurate linkage results, because they are poorly soluble in DMSO and tend to undergo β-elimination during permethylation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMaterial containing pectin and arabinogalactan-protein (AGP) was released and purified from Spirodela alcohol insoluble residues. Results of carbohydrate analyses and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy suggest that this material is composed of apiogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan-I covalently attached to AGPs. B NMR spectroscopy indicated that some of the glycoses in this complex exist as their boric acid monoesters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent practices for structure analysis of extremely large molecular weight polysaccharides via solution-state NMR spectroscopy incorporate partial depolymerization protocols that enable polysaccharide solubilization in suitable solvents. Non-specific depolymerization techniques utilized for glycosidic bond cleavage, such as chemical degradation or ultrasonication, potentially generate structure fragments that can complicate the complete characterization of polysaccharide structures. Utilization of appropriate enzymes for polysaccharide degradation, on the other hand, requires prior structure information and optimal enzyme activity conditions that are not available to the analyst working with novel or unknown compounds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStreptococcus mutans is a key pathogen associated with dental caries and is often implicated in infective endocarditis. This organism forms robust biofilms on tooth surfaces and can use collagen-binding proteins (CBPs) to efficiently colonize collagenous substrates, including dentin and heart valves. One of the best characterized CBPs of S.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMarcia hiantina (Mollusca, Bivalvia) (Lamarck, 1818), is an edible clam mainly distributed along the tropical coastal regions. Recent researches have demonstrated that clams can possess compounds, including polysaccharides, with a wide range of biological actions including antioxidant, immunomodulatory and antitumor activities. Here an α-glucan was isolated from M.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo characterize a purified rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) containing both RG-I and arabinogalactan-protein (AGP) types of glycosyl residues, an AGP-specific β-1,3-galactanase that can cleave the AG backbone and release the AG sidechain was applied to this material. Carbohydrate analysis and NMR spectroscopy verified that the galactanase-released carbohydrate consists of RG-I covalently attached to the AG sidechain, proving a covalent linkage between RG-I and AGP. Size exclusion chromatography-multiangle light scattering-refractive index detection revealed that the galactanase-released RG-I has an average molecular weight of 41.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA novel polysaccharide EtGIPL1a was purified from fruiting bodies of Echinodontium tinctorium, a fungus unique to western North America. EtGIPL1a has an estimated weight average molecular weight of 275 kDa and is composed of glucose (54.3%), galactose (19.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Terrestrial plant biomass is the primary renewable carbon feedstock for enabling transition to a sustainable bioeconomy. Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) by the cellulolytic thermophile Clostridium thermocellum offers a single step microbial platform for production of biofuels and biochemicals via simultaneous solubilization of carbohydrates from lignocellulosic biomass and conversion to products. Here, solubilization of cell wall cellulosic, hemicellulosic, and pectic polysaccharides in the liquor and solid residues generated during CBP of poplar biomass by C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of gram-negative bacteria trigger a nitrosative and oxidative burst in both animals and plants during pathogen invasion. strain BT-1 is a surrogate for functional genomic studies of the uncultured pathogenic ' Liberibacter' spp. that are associated with severe diseases such as citrus greening and potato zebra chip.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLevan, a β-2,6 fructofuranose polymer produced by microbial species, has been reported for its immunomodulatory properties via interaction with toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) which recognises lipopolysaccharide (LPS). However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these interactions remain elusive. Here, we investigated the immunomodulatory properties of levan using thoroughly-purified and characterised samples from Erwinia herbicola and other sources.
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