Understanding the vascular anatomy of the face is crucial for ensuring safe clinical practices, especially as aesthetic procedures involving hyaluronic acid fillers are gaining popularity. Although vascular complications from these procedures are rare, there has been a documented increase in adverse events linked to venous and arterial occlusions. This review addresses the knowledge gap regarding the facial venous system compared to the well-documented facial artery system, emphasising the importance of thorough anatomical knowledge to mitigate risks during injectable cosmetic procedures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Climate change poses a significant global health threat and healthcare, including surgery, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Efforts have been made to promote sustainability in surgery, but the literature on sustainability in plastic surgery remains limited.
Methods: A life-cycle analysis was used to assess and quantify the environmental emissions associated with three distinct reconstructive methods utilized in non-melanoma skin cancer surgery: direct closure, split-thickness skin graft, and full-thickness skin graft.
Introduction: The ability to bioprint facial cartilages could revolutionise reconstructive surgery, but identifying the optimum cell source remains one of the great challenges of tissue engineering. Tissue specific stem cells: chondroprogenitors, have been extracted previously using preferential adhesion to fibronectin based on the expression of CD49e: a perceived chondroprogenitor stem cell marker present on <1% of cartilage cells. This study sought to determine whether these fibronectin-adherent chondroprogenitor cells could be exploited for cartilage tissue engineering applications in isolation, or combined with differentiated chondrocytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlast Reconstr Surg Glob Open
September 2024
There has been increased use of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to aid closure of abdominoplasty incisions; this obviates previous complications, including delayed wound healing. We describe a reproducible method of NPWT-assisted wound healing applicable to abdominal wounds. We propose a modified method of NPWT application, specific to the to Avance Solo NPWT system, to achieve optimal wound healing by promoting a suitable environment and decreasing high-tension forces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Flapbot chatbot assists in free-flap monitoring, emphasizing accessibility, user-friendliness, and global reliability. This study assesses Flapbot's worldwide validity and usability and uses qualitative analysis to identify areas for future enhancement.
Methods: Flapbot, built on Google's DialogFlow, was evaluated by international plastic surgeons.
Neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase (NTRK)-rearranged spindle cell neoplasms are a recently described group of soft tissue tumors. They commonly present as a painless mass on the extremities of children and young adults. They are characterized microscopically by a heterogeneous spectrum of infiltrative spindle cell proliferations, which can morphologically mimic several other spindle cell neoplasms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to determine whether a dynamic orbital shaking culture system could enhance the cartilage production and viability of bioengineered nasoseptal cartilage. Human nasal chondrocytes were seeded onto nanocellulose-alginate biomaterials and cultured in static or dynamic conditions for 14 days. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction for chondrogenic gene expression (type 2 collagen, aggrecan and ) was performed, demonstrating a transient rise in expression at 1 and 7 days of culture, followed by a rise at 7 and 14 days in Aggrecan (184.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The 2022 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence melanoma guideline update made significant changes to follow-up. The aim of this study was to assess the impact these changes will have on a national melanoma cohort over a 5-year follow-up interval.
Methods: Anonymized, individual-level, population-scale, linkable primary and secondary care National Health Service data for an 18-year interval (2000-2018) in Wales, UK were analysed.
Background: Cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings are under intense pressure to reform given the rapidly rising incidence of cancer and national mandates for protocolized streaming of cases. The aim of this study was to validate a natural language processing (NLP)-based web platform to automate evidence-based MDT decisions for skin cancer with basal cell carcinoma as a use case.
Methods: A novel and validated NLP information extraction model was used to extract perioperative tumour and surgical factors from histopathology reports.
Background: The psychological burden of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CM) is all-encompassing, affecting treatment adherence, recurrence and mortality. However, the prevalence and risk factors of anxiety and depression in CM remain unclear.
Objectives: To establish a benchmark pooled prevalence of anxiety and depression in CM, to provide magnitudes of association for clinical, therapeutic and demographic correlates, and to elucidate temporal trends in anxiety and depression from the time of diagnosis.
The importance of written communication between clinicians and patients, especially in the wake of the Supreme Court case of Montgomery vs Lanarkshire, has led to a shift toward patient-centric care in the United Kingdom. This study investigates the use of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Bard in enhancing clinic letters with gold-standard complication profiles, aiming to improve patients' understanding and save clinicians' time in aesthetic plastic surgery. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of LLMs in integrating complication profiles from authoritative sources into clinic letters, thus enhancing patient comprehension and clinician efficiency in aesthetic plastic surgery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Data supporting the current British Association of Dermatologists guidelines for the management of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) are based on historic studies and do not consider the updated Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) histological reporting standards. The aim of this study was to use natural language processing (NLP)-derived data and undertake a multivariate analysis with updated RCPath standards, providing a contemporary update on the excision margins required to achieve histological clearance in BCC.
Methods: A validated NLP information extraction model was used to perform a rapid multi-centre, pan-specialty, consecutive retrospective analysis of BCCs, managed with surgical excision using a pre-determined clinical margin, over a 17-year period (2004-2021) at Swansea Bay University Health Board.
Introduction: Amid clinicians' challenges in staying updated with medical research, artificial intelligence (AI) tools like the large language model (LLM) ChatGPT could automate appraisal of research quality, saving time and reducing bias. This study compares the proficiency of ChatGPT3 against human evaluation in scoring abstracts to determine its potential as a tool for evidence synthesis.
Methods: We compared ChatGPT's scoring of implant dentistry abstracts with human evaluators using the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials for Abstracts reporting standards checklist, yielding an overall compliance score (OCS).
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
December 2023
Introduction: The process of carving an auricular framework is technically challenging and unique to the patient. As such, there is a need for a robust and reliable training model for practicing and planning ear reconstruction. The aim of this study is to assess the best models and methods available to practice the carving of an auricular framework.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNanocelluloses have attracted significant interest in the field of bioprinting, with previous research outlining the value of nanocellulose fibrils and bacterial nanocelluloses for 3D bioprinting tissues such as cartilage. We have recently characterised three distinct structural formulations of pulp-derived nanocelluloses: fibrillar (NFC), crystalline (NCC) and blend (NCB), exhibiting variation in pore geometry and mechanical properties. In light of the characterisation of these three distinct entities, this study investigated whether these structural differences translated to differences in printability, chondrogenicity or biocompatibility for 3D bioprinting anatomical structures with human nasoseptal chondrocytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) remain the most prevalent malignancies, contributing a higher workload to cancer registries than all cancers combined. The nature of skin cancers in addition to current coding methods employed by registries give a skewed representation of the workload.
Objectives: A comprehensive search examining the incidence of BCC and/or cSCC at a regional or national level in the UK and Ireland was devised.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
September 2023
Introduction: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was concern that virtual or remote multidisciplinary teams (MDT) meetings represented a niche concept that was unlikely to replace traditional face-to-face meetings in the management of cancer. However, the sudden shift to virtual meetings during COVID-19 has been one of the most dramatic changes since the inception of the MDT. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of virtual skin MDTs since the move to virtual meetings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK, comprising at least 25% of all new cancer diagnoses. Many patients require referral to the local or specialist skin cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT) for ongoing management. However, national data have shown that Specialist Skin Cancer MDTs are costly and do not currently meet NICE standards for composition and quoracy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Children with visible facial differences are believed to be at increased risk of negative psychosocial behaviours which may manifest as affective disorders. The aim of this study was to determine whether a diagnosis of microtia, and the associated surgical intervention, is associated with psychosocial implications including impaired educational attainment and a diagnosis of an affective disorder.
Methods: A retrospective case-control study was conducted using data linkage to identify patients in Wales with a diagnosis of microtia.
Vascular complications from soft tissue fillers can have catastrophic consequences for patients. Adverse events are rare, but they are increasing, and their appearance may be the result of intravascular injection. A comprehensive understanding of the 2-dimensional anatomy (distribution) and 3-dimensional anatomy (depth) of the facial vasculature is fundamental for the safe delivery of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There are 12.5 million people aged 65 years and older living in the UK. The annual incidence of open fracture is 30.
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