Publications by authors named "IMSHENETSKII A"

A strain of the genera Pseudomonas genera was found to possess hemolytic, fibrinolytic and thrombolytic activities. The fibrinolytic activity of the lyophilized unpurified preparation was 900 conventional units/mg. After incubation in the blood plasma, the activity completely remained.

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The action of colchicine solutions on a diploid Saccharomyces vini culture used in viniculture yielded three polyploid strains. The strains differ from the parent culture in their cell morphology and a higher endopolygalacturonase activity.

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Bacteria belonging to the Pseudomonas genus and isolated from zonal soils in different geographical zones of the USSR as well as from the rhizosphere of cultivated and wild plants were tested for their esterase activity. The studied collection of cultures included 205 strains of different pigmented Pseudomonas species which, according to the conventional taxonomy, were assigned to the so-called "Pseudomonas fluorescens complex". As was shown in this study, many Pseudomonas species are potential producers of nonspecific esterases.

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The effect of some inhibitors and bivalent metal cations (Mn2+, Ca2+, Fe2+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Co2+ and Cu2+) on the proteolytic activity of two Bacillus mesentericus strains (strain 8 and strain 64 M-variant) was comparatively studied. The both enzymes were shown to be serine proteinases, but the proteinase of strain 64 was also a metal-dependent enzyme. Metal ions exerted no essential effect on the proteinase of strain 8.

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The natural variability of the ability to synthesize proteinases by Bacillus mesentericus 64 was studied. The population of this strain was shown to be heterogeneous. Three types of variants (S, M and P) differed in the morphology of their colonies and in the culture characteristics from the typical colonies of the parent strain.

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Two Bacillus mesentericus strains with a high activity of proteolytic enzymes having the thrombolytic action were selected from a group of its collection strains. The effect of different carbon sources on the synthesis of proteases was studied. A growth medium containing potato broth (10%), peptone (0.

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The diploid culture of Pullularia pullulans 1125(4)(13) synthesizes pullulan from different carbon sources. The activity is highest on a mineral medium with melassa (23.18 g/L).

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Acenaphthene used as vapour increases the frequency of morphological mutations as well as mutations yielding strains with a reduced activity of respiration in Candida scottii. The diploid culture has more mutants than the haploid culture. The frequency of mutants depends on the duration of acenaphthene action.

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As the level of ploidy rises in Pullularia pullulans, this causes an increase in the frequency of spontaneous and UV-induced auxotrophic mutants as well as mutants with a modified respiration activity while the frequency of morphological mutants decreases. The latter can arise as a result of recessive and dominant mutations. A higher frequency of morphological mutants in the haploid may be result of recessive mutations.

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The survival of bacteria was studied in the "Artificial Mars" apparatus reproducing a complex of physical extreme factors. Bacteria isolated from microbiocenoses subjected to the action of chemical extreme factors (hydrogen peroxide, catalytically active minerals) were shown to be most resistant among soil heterotrophic bacteria. Cells in the resting state caused by dehydration survived better than vegetative cells.

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The effect of dehydration on the morphology and fine structure of conidia was studied with the atmospheric and collection strains of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum. Dehydration did not cause changes in the structure of most conidia. However, destructive changes in the conidial wall and membrane were found in some conidia.

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Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum strains were isolated from the mesosphere and characterised. Their properties significant for migration in the atmosphere are discussed. The possibility of the anabiotic state of these fungi under the action of dehydration and low temperatures was studied as well as the degree of their resistance to the aforementioned extreme factors.

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The object of this work was to study cytological changes caused by periodic freezing-thawing in the conidia of the fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum isolated from the mesosphere as well as in the conidia of the same species taken from the collection of microorganisms. The conidia from the mesosphere were found to be highly resistant to the treatment. As was shown by electron microscopy, the outer "backbone" layer of the spore envelope broke down and the membranes of the plasmalemma stratified after ten cycles in A.

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Pullularia pullulans strains of different ploidy synthesize pullulans similar in their characteristics to those described in literature. These are glucans whose glucose residues are linked with alpha(1 leads to 4) and alpha(1 leads to 6) bonds in the proportion of 2.2:1.

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Both vegetative Bacillus stearothermophilus cells 3 and cells with mature spores undergo lysis during submerged cultivation in media with starch and maltose as was shown by light and electron microscopy. This can be caused by enzymes lysing cell wall and synthesized at the beginning of the culture growth. The fine structure of the strain 3 spore has certain peculiarities: it contains no exosporium and the inner envelope has a heterogeneous structure.

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The paper describes a technique of concentrating microorganisms from filtrates obtained from mixtures of the Martian ground analogs and desert soil using electroretention on polarizable carriers (sterilized cotton wool or gauze). The degree of retention can reach 99.9% at a field intensity of 50 V/cm and a flow rate of 0.

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Five variants of Actinomyces lavendulae differing in the morphology of their colonies were found when natural variability of this organism was studied. A correlation was established between the colony morphology of the variants and their activity of cholesterol decomposition. The variants forming colonies of the basic and folded type had the highest activity.

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The object of this work was to study the effect of vacuum on Endomyces magnusii, Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium luteum. The zone of tolerance to the water activity was determined for the intact cells of E. magnusii and for the cells subjected to vacuum.

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The aim of this work was to study certain physiological-biochemical characteristics of Aspergillus niger, strain 26, isolated from the mesosphere as well as those of its mutant having light-brown conidia. The parent strain and its mutant were grown in a liquid Chapek medium to study accumulation of the biomass, changes in the pH of the medium, as well as assimilation of glucose, nitrogen (NO3-) and phosphorus (PO4-). The content of polysaccharides, protein, RNA and DNA was determined in the biomass.

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Cholesterol oxidase (3 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidase) from the Actinomyces lavendulae mycelium oxidizes cholesterol of blood serum in vitro. The half-inactivation time for the enzyme in blood serum (37 degrees) is 90 min. After intravenous injection of the enzyme (1--2 units per kg) to rabbits with experimental hypercholesterinemia the cholesterol content in the blood is decreased directly proportional to the single dose of the enzyme and duration of injection.

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The effect of eight carbohydrates and three nitrogen sources on the activity of pullulan accumulation was studied with a haploid strain, a diploid strain and a tetraploid strain of Pullularia pullulans. The rate of pullulan biosynthesis was found to be the highest in media containing glucose, sucrose and maltose. In this case, the activity of the polysaccharide synthesis in the polyploid strains exceeded that in the haploid strain by 21-80% depending on the carbon source in the medium.

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The activity of respiration was compared among three strains (one haploid strain and two diploid strains) of Pullularia pullulans, in cultures of different age. The strains hardly differed in the intensity of endogenous respiration. During respiration on glucose, the diploid strain of P.

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