We have fabricated two-dimensional photonic crystals (PhCs) on the surface of Si nanocrystal-rich SiO layers with the goal to maximize the photoluminescence extraction efficiency in the normal direction. The fabricated periodic structures consist of columns ordered into square and hexagonal pattern with lattice constants computed such that the red photoluminescence of Si nanocrystals (SiNCs) could couple to leaky modes of the PhCs and could be efficiently extracted to surrounding air. Samples having different lattice constants and heights of columns were investigated in order to find the configuration with the best performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLight extraction from a thin planar layer can be increased by introducing a two-dimensional periodic pattern on its surface. This structure, the so-called photonic crystal (PhC) slab, then not only enhances the extraction efficiency of light but can direct the extracted emission into desired angles. Careful design of the structures is important in order to have a spectral overlap of the emission with extraction (leaky) modes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Silicon nanocrystals (Si-ncs) are promising for biological studies due to their supposed low cytotoxicity, good biocompatibility and biodegradability in living organisms. However, the bioresearchers' focus on Si-ncs has lasted only for a few recent years, and detailed studies of the interaction of various types of Si-ncs with biological environment are still rare. Suitable size and solubility of the Si-ncs in water-based isotonic solutions are important towards bringing the nanocrystals inside the living cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSilicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) smaller than 5 nm are a material with strong visible photoluminescence (PL). However, the physical origin of the PL, which, in the case of oxide-passivated SiNCs, is typically composed of a slow-decaying red-orange band (S-band) and of a fast-decaying blue-green band (F-band), is still not fully understood. Here we present a physical interpretation of the F-band origin based on the results of an experimental study, in which we combine temperature (4-296 K), temporally (picosecond resolution) and spectrally resolved luminescence spectroscopy of free-standing oxide-passivated SiNCs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDetailed analysis of a band diagram of a photonic crystal (PhC) slab prepared on a nano-diamond layer is presented. Even though the PhC is structurally imperfect, the existence of leaky modes, determined both theoretically and experimentally in the broad spectral region, implies that an efficient light interaction with a material periodicity occurs in the sample. It is shown that the luminescence emission spectrum of a light source placed directly on the PhC surface can be modified by employing the optical modes of the studied structure.
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