Publications by authors named "I J Hartmann-Goldstein"

An electronic interface is described which permits the Vickers M85/M86 microdensitometer to be used with a chart recorder to plot linear distance along a chromosome against (1) the absorbance, (2) the product of the chromosome width and the mean absorbance transverse to the long axis of the chromosome, or (3) the integrated absorbance accumulating during a two-dimensional scan of the specimen.

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The DNA content of translocated polytene chromosome regions in Drosophila melanogaster is affected by heterochromatic position effect. Microdensitometric studies on wm258-21 translocation heterozygotes showd (Hartmann-Goldstein and Cowell, 1976; Cowell and Hartmann-Goldstein, 1980) that band region 3D1-E2, adjacent to the breakpoint, contained less DNA than the homologous non-translocated region whereas the neighbouring 3C1-10 region contained more DNA than its non-translocated counterpart. In the nuclei selected for measurement the translocated X chromosome was morphologically euchromatic, but both regions undergo heterochromatisation in other nuclei within the same salivary gland.

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Studies on Feulgen-DNA content in the polytene chromosomes of D. melanogaster T(1:4)wm258-21 heterozygotes showed that when the euchromatic region 3D1-E2 is located next to the heterochromatic breakpoint it contains less DNA than in the non-translocated homologue (Hartmann-Goldstein and Cowell, 1976). In contrast to the region adjacent to the breakpoint, region 3C1-10, which contains intercalary heterochromatin, shows more DNA in the translocated than in the non-translocated chromosome.

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Nuclei were isolated by an aqueous detergent method from Drosophila prepupal salivary glands, and measured by integrating interference microscopy. There was a highly significant correlation between nuclear volume and dry mass. Dry masses fell into 2, 3 or 4 distinct groups corresponding to polytene replication classes; the mean of a given dry mass group was between 8 and 30% less than twice that of the group below, indicating that the ratio of DNA:dry mass increases during polytenic growth.

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