Eur Arch Paediatr Dent
April 2019
Aim: To assess the prevalence of proximal enamel lesions, the need for non-operative caries treatment and the quality of dental restorations in 869 students aged 16 years from Northern Norway.
Methods: All first year upper secondary school students in Tromsø and Balsfjord municipalities were invited to participate in an oral- and general health project (Fit Futures). The attendance rate was 90%, and all subjects born in 1994 (449 males and 420 females) were included in the present study.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence and distribution of dental caries in an adult population and identify factors associated with being caries free.
Material And Methods: Data were collected from a randomized population sample in Northern Norway (N = 1932; 988 women; mean age 47.0 years, SD 15.
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent
October 2017
Aim: To explore variation in treatment-related-decisions for severe caries in children among dentists in the Public Dental Service (PDS) in Norway. It was also to evaluate the treatment choices in relation to the best interest of children and a child's rights to enjoy the highest standard of health care.
Methods: A pre-coded questionnaire was sent electronically to all general dental practitioners (GDPs) working in the PDS in eight counties in Norway (n = 611).